Thursday, March 02, 2006


Rick and I walked over to stage 5 to hand out paychecks and see how the plane reconstruction was going. It looks a lot better than it did last time, but we're not sure they're going to be ready to shoot on Monday.

When we got back to the office, there was a large black Lab standing alone in the parking space across from the walkway. I started talking to it and it headed towards me, then kind of wandered off. After I saw it stumble over some parking humps, I realized the poor thing was blind.- it had cataracts in both eyes. A woman had come downstairs to smoke and said she'd seen it taking walks with a man who came out of the office at the end of the building. So I gave my extra checks to Rick to take back into the office and walked the dog back home. I had to keep talking to him to get him to stay with me and we had some issues at the dumpster (something smelled really good to him). But we made it down there and I opened the door and called out "hello." A woman answered and I asked if the dog belonged there and she said yes, that he wanders off and they don't aways know he's gone. She said his name was Willis and I suggested he wear a bell, but that'd probably drive them nuts. I'd love to bring Sofie down to meet him, since they seem to allow dogs on this lot, but she'd be too annoying for him - jumping on him without warning and all. Maybe she could play with the pug and the Jack Russell terrier we saw sniffing at the shrubbery...

The husband and I were talking last night about getting some paints and seeing if any of the cats or Sofie would be interested in them. It would be fun to see if they were artistic at all, but a disaster if all they did was take off through the house. At least we have Pergo and we could try to get a water based paint for easy cleanup. Something to think about.

Production is buying lunch and we went to a place called Ammo. I got the roasted winter squash stew for $14. It was no bigger than any regular can of soup and it was $14! I liked it but man, $14? Sorry to add to the cost of your ticket.

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