Monday, December 31, 2007

Going Home

OK, I'm back from seeing the family over Christmas and I had a great time. I missed the husband and the animals, but it was very nice spending all my time with my family. My niece and nephews are older and a lot more fun to be around. We played in the leaves and kicked a rock around (soccer-rock) and baked coffee cakes and basically just amused ourselves.

My sister paid for my niece to get her ears pierced as a present and because she was nervous, I said I'd get my right ear pierced with a 2nd hole. I already had the 2nd one in my left ear from college but never thought about getting the right one done. It worked well because she got to see how easy it was before having to go through it. I'm a good aunt because it kind of hurts and I keep getting my hair wrapped around it (which I had to lie about when my sister-in-law asked me if I'd had any trouble because my niece didn't want to wash her hair).

Anyway, it was good to see everyone and makes me wish I'd keep in better touch, but I know I won't. It's nothing personal but you can't help but get caught up in your own life. There's a chance my older nephew and my #2 brother will visit me in Boston, but who knows what'll happen by then.


Our construction accountant's dog on Halloween.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Slow Day

Call wasn't until 10:30 this morning and we finished handing out checks around 11am. Now we're sitting at our desks with nothing to do until 6pm.

I have already called to schedule a pick-up of the old gas grill that was abandoned at our townhouse (it's next Thursday Husband). They won't take the propane tank but I'm thinking of dropping that off at Lowe's or somewhere in the middle of the night.

I also called the HOA managment company to find out who is responsible for the entry system. It's still ringing up the old disconnected number and I'd like to have people be able to call us properly when they come over.

Then I called AAA and found out I don't have coverage to have my Vespa towed to the shop so I went ahead and called the guy the shop recommended. I have to call him at 9:30 in the morning to have them come by around 10. I don't know how long it'll take to get it fixed but I hope it's fast, easy, and cheap.

I passed a furniture shop that's going out of business and I'm thinking of stopping on my way home and checking out the dining room sets. Not that I really need one, though. Actually, I need to see if CB is going to get off work early enough to go to bingo.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


The last bingo of the year is this Thursday. I can't really tell what charity it's sponsoring but I haven't made it yet and I want to go! Husband, what do you think?

And if you don't wanna go maybe CB will go with me...

Merry Christmas!

Free Rice

You can go to and play a fun vocabulary game and do some good. Each word you get right donates grains of rice to stop world hunger. The thing only started in October and they've already had over 9 billion grains donated.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

From ICHC.Com

Kitty Porn!

Goin' Home Early

I have to say there are times I dearly love working Sunday through Thursday. I love having Fridays off to run errands or make appointments and I love being alone in the office on Sundays - I can blast my music and sing along. Even better, I can leave when I'm done - I don't have to kill time waiting for 6 o'clock. Like today! It's only 1:30 and I'm all done with everything in my basket that I can do w/o more information. I think I'll run by Target then take my dog to the park. Yay for me!

Oh, yeah. I took the job in Boston. I'll be doing The Surrogates with Bruce Willis next spring. I leave late January or early February and will be there until June/July.

Sped, come visit me!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Doctor Appt

I have to go to the cardiologist tomorrow and get a blood pressure monitor that I will wear for 24 hours. It's supposed to prove/disprove my high blood pressure. We'll see. I have to say I haven't had any more episodes since I've been on the medication but it's the lower dose so I can't be that bad off.

It would have to be on payday, though. I'm probably going to look like a science experiment when I'm handing out checks. I'm not looking forward to all the questions but questions are better than people just staring and trying to pretend there's nothing unusual going on.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sunday, December 09, 2007

12/9 Pic


The husband suggested we go up to the observatory last night and it sounded like fun. We didn't realize the DWP Xmas light show was at the same freeway exit and it took us about 45 minutes to go about 5 miles. But once we got past that it was fine. The view of the city is amazing from up there - lights going on forever. And it seemed you could hear everything - dogs barking and distant traffic and everything.

The remodel is nice, but I'm glad they seemed to stay in the era in which the observatory was originally built. Nothing was jarring. We didn't stay to see the show - I want to do that sometime but it was cold and late.

On the way home, driving down Las Feliz, the husband saw 3 coyotes crossing a side street. I only saw one but I pointed out to him how fearless they are. It was only about 9pm and Las Feliz is a busy, well-lit street.

Speaking of coyotes, I saw one this morning but it already had something in its mouth so it wasn't all that interested in us. I don't know what it was and I don't really want to think about it. I just know the coyote ducked through the hedge into the yard across the street with it.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

12/6 Pic

Happy St Nicholas Day!

I'm about to go home and veg out - today's been a long day.

The POC's dog was in the office today and he decided to come by my desk and piss on the floor. Luckily he missed my foot and the big stack of actor files. I yelled to her about it and she came and cleaned it up - hopefully it won't stink tomorrow. Then again, I'm not here tomorrow so what do I care?

I went out to set to hand out checks and managed to get shunted off the freeway because they're doing a lot of construction and I missed the fact I was in an exit only lane. I think it took me longer to get to set than it did to hand out the checks. Some days it takes forever to find everybody but this was zip in and zip out. I almost went to Target (which was right across the parking lot) but I hadn't eaten lunch yet and wanted to get back in time for the 2nd unit catering.

Then it was clean up and research. I had to wrap my head around a SAG project and check some numbers. Took longer than I anticipated because it was based on stupidity and that's not a language in which I'm fluent. I got it done, though.

Did I mention I pinched my palm in my mondo stapler yesterday? I've got a red mark and a dime-sized bruise. At least it doesn't hurt anymore and the medic gave me a whole tube of Arnica. Yay free stuff!

I also got a call from an accountant about a job but she spoke so quickly I have no idea what her name was. It's a Sony show, but that's all I know. The timing may not work out - she's going to call me back. We'll see.

I forgot today is St Nicholas Day. It's also Sofie's birthday - she's 3 (we don't actually know when her birthday is but we know it's around this time and St Nick's Day is as good as any).

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Today's Pic


Ok, so I'm a slacker at times. I got a front loading washer and dryer back in January when we moved into the townhouse and there were 2 rebates available for the washer ($150 from the power company and $35 from the gas company).

I'm just now filling them out... It's sad because I'm usually really good at getting my rebates. I guess this time they didn't factor into whether or not I bought the things so it wasn't as urgent. My real estate agent paid for most of them as a gift.

But if they both come through that's $185 for Christmas!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Gatlinburg (Pretty)

Another Gig?

I just got back from talking to the UPM - he's putting my name for a BW show in Boston. I'm so flattered and excited. We'll see what happens.

Work And No Work

I just talked to T about her next job and it's pending. Apparently they are waiting to confirm the star will actually be available to shoot - she might do something else. It's a music diva and funnily enough I worked with her sister several years ago (it's not JLo).

Anyway, I'm not nervous about it becasue something will come up - it always does. I just hate turning down work (the NOLA gig). It's the whole "bird in the hand" aspect. Plus I think I'm afraid the accountant will take it personally.

But mostly I'm bored. We're in a holding pattern waiting for the payroll company to send over some edits. I've surfed and played and even done some work, but I'm all out now. My assistant has gone over to the AP side to help them out but I don't so that anymore. It made me bitter when I would help them and they would never help me. So here I sit, bored and looking for something to occupy the next hour.

The UPM wants to talk to me but he was eating lunch with the producer when I went by earlier. Maybe I should go check now...

Nix the NOLA

I talked myself into taking the show in NOLA then talked myself back out of it.

The pros are: extra money from per diem and possibly housing, having a job lined up, going to NOLA on someone else's dime, my own rental car.

The cons are: being away from the husband and the animals, no Idle days, 5 months stuck in NOLA, finishing 1 month before the strike, no scooter.

I may think of more but basically I feel better now that I'm going to say no than I did when I thought I was saying yes.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Christmas Allergies

I am allergic to evergreens, have been since I was young but didn't realize it until I was 27 or 28. The office has put up a live tree and I can already feel my sinuses responding. Bring on the OTC drugs!

Trying to Bust the Crew

Is it wrong that I hope I caught a crew member double-dipping on another show? One of our set dressers turned in his start paperwork and it had a piece from another show in it. That show is on the same lot but I think they are using a different payroll company so it wouldn't get found that way. I'm waiting for the other payroll accountant to call me back and let me know. I really want to bust them.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Star Sighting

The husband and I went to a local grill for dinner last night and I saw David Navarro. Have to say he's a hottie - love the beard.