Sunday, February 27, 2005

Last Day of Freedom

This is it, I go back to work tomorrow. Hopefully my blogs will be more interesting, but considering this job is not as glam as everybody thinks it is, probably not. But I'll try my best to pass on the dirt without getting sued.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

So This Is Where I'll Be For The Next 8 Weeks

Went by my new office today to drop off my boxes and fill out the parking paperwork. I'm going to be working on the Warner Ranch. Sounds all "wide open spaces," but it's way not. I guess at some point in time it could have been considered a ranch, but now it's in the middle of the San Fernando Valley. But it's new to me so I'm looking forward to taking a tour...

It was really hot in the office and it doesn't help that I share it with 2 other people. Maybe today was an exception. I'm hoping. I hate sitting at work in a pool of sweat. I can't just waltz in and take over the thermostat, though. How rude would that be? I do hope they get me a bookcase or something. I've got to have my binders and books handy. The other women didn't seem to have too much stuff, and I don't think any toys. Not my type of office, but I can do without for 2 months. It's a good thing I didn't take anything in with me today. I figured it would be better to scope it out and I'm glad I left that box at home. At least I'll have internet access!

I'm really hoping this job stays as easy as it seems. The money's not the best and I don't want to put out too much effort for what I'm going to be making. Usually, jobs that people claim are a piece of cake turn into a big nasty mess. Fingers crossed!

Friday, February 18, 2005

My Blog Is Boring

I can't wait to go back to work. I've been reading other blogs and (insert title here). Being stuck at home all day with 3 cats just isn't all that.

Except for the drama of the email from the producer's assistant, who I will refer to as "GB" - Glorified Babysitter (she doesn't babysit the producer, she babysits his kids, but he likes her and gave her a job).

Anyway, GB and I have known each other for a couple of years. Thinking we were friends, I wrote an email to her commenting on the husband's state of mind while waiting for the producer to get back to him about a project. She took it the wrong way and proceeded to lecture us on how busy the producer was and how he had other things to do besides help the husband. Bad move. I wrote another email straightening her out, telling her we weren't charity and if the producer wasn't really interested, he could just forget about it.

That produced a response that cursed email for its inability to convey emotions. I keep thinking, if you aren't sure what someone means, don't fire off an email that blasts them for something that isn't what they mean. ASK!

Got to go see Shrink now. More later...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Faux Friend

I sent an email to a friend and she totally misinterpreted it. She sent back a rather snotty reply that has left me feeling stunned and hurt. I know I'll be angry later, but right now I just can't believe she would think so little of me. Her accusation has left me dumbfounded and numb. I guess she's not the friend I thought she was, if she doesn't even take the time to verify what I mean before writing such ugly stuff.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Only A Pipe Thru My Head Would Feel This Bad

I have a headache. Actually, I've had it since last night and it won't go away. It's not as bad as it was, but keeps threatening to return in full force if I stay vertical for too long. I tried to describe it to the husband by saying if, in a past life, I had ever impaled myself on a pipe thru my left eye out the back of my skull, then my headache would be phantom pain from that. Yes, it's weird, but that's how it feels. At least the nausea went away.

So I'm taking it easy today, lying around and reading. But I'm getting pretty bored. I start work on the 28th (finally). I'm going to be doing a pilot for Warner Bros called Conviction. I don't have any idea who's going to be in it - it's not been cast yet according to the trades. Usually, all I really want to know is when do I start, do I get benefits, where's the office, and what's my rate. But since other people want to know who the star will be, I've gotten better at asking. I still think my questions are the most important and the answers will determine whether or not I take a job. I'm doing my best to not take a job over the hill, cause that hour commute each way really kills me. But if it happens, it happens.

At least I may have something interesting to write about. I totally plan to spill all the tidbits I pick up at work. But I think I'll probably have to leave names out if it's at all possible I'd get in trouble. Good stuff, I'll name names. Bad stuff, you'll have to guess. Like Wonder Bitch from my last show. More about her later...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Drive-Thru Ordering

I worked in a couple of fast food restaurants when I was younger, so I think I have every right to blog about this issue. I know that most people ordering food are idiots who have to be guided thru the process. You have to ask what size, what kind of drink, how many, etc. But I'm starting to think that part of the problem lies in the people taking the order. They just don't seem to listen. Now, I try to order my stuff as succinctly as possible. I'll say "a number 7 combo, mayo only, biggie size with a sprite." If I manage to get thru all of that without getting interrupted, the first question is "do you want that biggie sized?" Then they ask what kind of drink I want. Usually, though, I'm interrupted about 3 words in with either question. More than once I've actually told the person if they'd let me finish ordering and listen, they'd know what I want. I'm trying to do my part - why can't they do theirs?

Another favorite is the guy at McD's who, although I was still more than a foot from pulling up to the window, still wanted my money. I looked at him and asked if it could wait until I at least made it to the window. When I got there, he managed to ignore me, taking an order or something for a good 30 seconds. I drove away without my food. I don't need that. Just plain rude.

Anyway, a change in breakfast today. I had black beans with my egg. I actually did go to the gym for my cardio. I've got to fit into that dress, so I'm back at it. I even did up a graph to chart my progress and hung it in the bathroom. Plus, I've listed my first goal and reward. I choose not to reveal the weight, but the reward will be a new tattoo. I've been wanting another one and this will be a good reason. I haven't figured out what my reward will be if I make it to my second goal, as I'm not sure it's going to happen. One step at a time...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Supergirl Underpants

Yes, I bought myself Supergirl underpants at Target today. Don't know why. I was looking for stuff to use as wedding shower prizes and there they were. Not that I was looking at underpants as prizes, this isn't "16 Candles."

Anyway, thinking about going out of town this week. Maybe Sea World, maybe Big Bear. It's all still in the early stages.

I need to talk to Shrink about how I trust people too much. I guess I'm naive, but I believe people are going to do what they say. And out here that's just stupid. Most people in SoCal are only in it for themselves. When am I going to learn?

I did turn down a job today. It was for a pilot at Fox. I know the money in TV is bad, so that really wasn't the issue. The accountant who offered the job sent a really bad e-mail. Is it wrong to judge someone by their e-mail? She actually felt it was ok to tell me that it was only a 3 person office and that we would all need to help each other out. Now, I try to help out whenever I can. I hate sitting around, twiddling my thumbs. But when that phrase pops up, it always means I have to help the A/P person but no one's going to be helping me. No one else ever knows payroll. The only help I ever get is stuffing envelopes and that's the easy part. So I said no.

I did get my bridesmaid dress in today. We actually ordered dresses from Chadwick's. Very nice navy, floor length ones. I ordered 2 in 2 different sizes. Unfortunately, the larger size is a smidge too small. I don't think I'll have any problem losing enough to fit into it. I was just hoping to be able to lose enough to fit into the smaller one. But it's only Feb 8. There's still time and hope!

Breakfast was beans and an egg. Sounds weird, but I do like it, especially when the beans are nuked.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Matron of Honor & Dogs

I'm going to be the Matron of Honor for my best friend's wedding in May. It's in Vegas and I've got so many wonderfully evil things planned. I can't really go into too much detail here, but I will tell all after the big day.

Anyway, I went to her and the fiance's place in Carlsbad this weekend, to meet a couple of the other people in the wedding party and to get a guest list out of her for the bachelorette party and the shower. She's notoriously unorganized and you kind of have to sit on her to get things done. It worked out really well, though. I got my lists and everybody was really cool. The other bridesmaids liked my ideas so far and added some great ones of their own. It was nice to get together with a group of friends like that. I wish we had a group like that up here. I mean, we probably could get something started, but it'd be mainly people I know from work and the husband may not really be into that. But I do miss hanging out with other people and I think it would be good for us. I still want to have a party and invite couples... We'll see.

The husband and I went to the pound today to look at dogs. We already have 3 cats, but we both want a dog. We thought we'd look at small ones, and maybe get a puppy that would grow up thinking the cats were its pack. They had a few, but none that had any real personality. But then we saw Moose and Rocky - great big Alaskan Malamutes (at least one of them, the other may have been a mix). Man, those were good dogs. If we had a yard, they'd have both come home with us. It sucks to live in SoCal in a condo. It makes me want to go out and buy a house, just to get them. Good dogs. Damn.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Lazy People and Babies

If you've ever been to Target, and who hasn't, you've seen the exit doors. Usually there are 2 types: a set of automatic doors and one push door. They are right next to each other and are clearly marked. They even have a "guard rail" between them, why I don't know. Anyway, I was in Target today with my cart full of cat food, litter, new purse, assorted wedding shower game prizes, etc. I've pushed my cart towards exit when I observe 2 things I claim as proof of the enormity of human laziness. First, a woman with a cart heads purposefully into the cart corral before realizing she's not getting out that way. I can only assume she went in there because the "doors" were already open - no waiting. Second, a man with one bag walked up to the manual door and when it didn't open for him, stopped, backed up, stepped to his left, and walked through the automatic doors. Hello! Push! It's really easy to do, just pick up your arm and apply pressure with your hand, following through until you're outside! I just can't believe people are that lazy.

Met with Shrink today. Talked to her about my renewed interest in having a baby. Growing up, I wanted a big family. How could I not? I love being from a big family. Then I got to a certain age where I decided I didn't want kids at all. I was convinced for a long time, more than a decade, that I was not going to have children, no matter what. Sometime in there I met the husband and we got married. He wasn't into having kids either, so we were just fine. Then I got a little older and thought, well, maybe one would be ok. Not that I'd try for it, but if it happened, that'd be alright. At some point in that phase, I decided I would have a kid by the time I was 35 or not at all. I didn't want to be an old mom. My mom was 46 when I was born and as much as I love all of the stuff I learned from my folks, my mom is now 80 and my dad is 77. I just turned 34 and they're not going to be around forever. I know I've been lucky to have them this long. Not everybody is. I just don't want to do it to my kid.

So my self-imposed deadline is drawing near. If I'm going to have a kid while I'm no older than 35, I have to be pregnant by May of 2006. And that's cutting it close. But the husband isn't up for it. Not that he's totally against kids, he just doesn't think we're financially secure enough for a baby. Like most people ever are! I understand his point, but it's hard to argue with biology. Plus, with other things going on, I'm starting to worry I might not be able. So it's been a weird week for me. Having a baby is a big step. I just don't know what's going to happen.

Had a bar for breakfast. I've been doing really well this week except for the fact I donated blood yesterday and had the cookies and juice afterward. I love those pecan sandies! I still went down 0.8 pounds, so it's all good.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

GI Joe Taken Hostage!

There some idiot militant group claiming to have captured an American soldier and there's video to prove it. Except for the fact the soldier in question is a plastic 12" action figure, possibly named Cody. How stupid do they think we are? I mean, I know our leadership looks and acts like a badly trained monkey, but come on, we have 10 year-old kids with their parents' super-8 cameras who can fake an alien invasion better than that.

Speaking of monkeys, I don't like 'em. Chimps and gorillas are ok and I can deal with orangs, too. But the rest of them, not interested. Nasty creepy little things. Always look like they're trying to figure out how to get out of their cages and pluck out your eyeballs. I skip right past them at the zoo.

Finally got my birthday card from my parents. It came today, but the neighbor got it in her box by mistake. I'm glad they didn't forget. Now I can call and tell them I got it, cause I didn't say anything yesterday in case they hadn't sent one. Why they wouldn't, I don't know, but it wasn't the best birthday and I was feeling pessimistic.

Since I'm officially back on track(!), breakfast was kidney beans and string cheese. I wanted to cook an egg, but could barely get out of bed. Maybe tomorrow...

Back on Track?

Feb 1 seems as good a day as any to get back to my diet. I'm doing South Beach and I really do like it, even though I've had a rough time recently. But I bought the cookbook and I'm going to do it right. I've got until 5/21 to get ready for Sped's wedding and I want to lose 20 pounds, although I'd be happy to lose 10 and maintain. I should have started earlier, but yesterday was my birthday and I had hoped to go out to dinner, maybe have cake. Didn't happen. But now I'm ready to go. Wish me luck!