Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Good For The Goose...

My boss likes to be silly and play around, but hates it when anybody else does it. I can't stand hypocrites.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

It's Finally Over

The wedding festivities are over and they are married! Congratulations Debby and Dan!!!

I will tell more later but I'm still recovering from 4 days of drinking, breathing smoke-filled casino air, and getting too little sleep.

A little gossip, though - there was a set-up that actually worked. I hope it keeps going (no, it's not me, but two people I know and like).

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Talk...

My boss took me outside today and said she didn't think I was happy in my job. I so wanted to tell her that it's all about her, but I played the PC card and blamed everything else. She wants to know if I want to move on, saying I should think about it this weekend. My job is the LAST thing I plan to think about this weekend. I was planning on giving my notice today. It's weird how things work out.

Walk The Talk

I'm so sick of people in Hollywood saying they want to help you, then never following through. I have to sit here and listen to a coworker tell the same story over and over about how she's going to help a new friend, an actress, become a huge star. She's going to set her up with a producer and help her get a really good agent and tax accountant and introduce her to a famous Hispanic director... whatever.

This is the same woman who told me she would help the husband get in with a manager, who promptly asked for log lines. I don't think so. If he was an A-List agent, then yes, we'd send him whatever he wanted. But he's a manager. Big whoop.

If they really want to help, they just do it. They don't sit around talking about it. I'm learning this the hard way, but I am learning it.

Monday, May 16, 2005

I Hate My Boss

I've got impetigo. It's not fun and it's on my lip, which is now swollen and droopy. I look like I've had a stroke. Which wouldn't be such a bad thing except for the fact that Sped's wedding is THIS SATURDAY!

And my boss is the only one at work who mentioned anything about it, which would have been ok except for the fact she yelled out across the office "what's wrong with your lip?" I can't wait to get out of here. I'm going to give my 2 weeks notice tonight.

It's not been a fun day. My boss actually thinks my lip is making me feel bad, as in sick. She just doesn't get that I'm so over her.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

More Of The Same

She's got people waiting for her to do her job and she's making personal phone calls. Making them, not taking them. And they just drag on. It's so rude.

But I think I know why I don't like working with her. She's so lax on stuff it makes me lazy and I don't like being that way. I usually do a really good job, not to be modest. It's just that I take my cue from above and she just doesn't set a good example.

I have to go to Modesto this weekend for Sped's bridal shower. This one is being thrown by the groom's family (the one I'm hosting is for her friends). It's not that I don't want to go, it's just that I feel like I'm falling behind. Every weekend seems to be jam packed. I still have laundry in the washer and dryer from last Sunday. And I want to finish painting. But it's ok. It'll all work out and I'm sure we'll have a great time. Sped's future m-i-l seems pretty cool and it'll be nice to get to know her before Vegas.

It's More Than The One

I just found out my boss's boss is worse than my boss. Maybe it's rolling downhill? Whatever, I'm out of here as soon as possible.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Still Here

No, I didn't quit my job, but I did beg my regular boss to get back to work ASAP!

The husband said it would be ok to quit, but I would have to put out a resume. I'm just not ready to do that right now. I really want to go back to B, since she knows what I'm capable of and is interested in moving me up. I just need to hang in a bit longer with this wacko.

I think wacko keeps forgetting that I've never paid a tv show before. She keeps throwing things at me like I'm supposed to know what to do with them. And when I ask questions, she gets this attitude. It's like she regrets hiring me - even though she begged me to stay.

Either way, it's not forever. I don't understand how people in regular jobs can stand it. At least the hunky Egyptian from "The Mummy" is on this show (the one with the facial tattoos).

Yum, eye candy.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Karma, Baby

She's been asking me all sorts of questions for the past 15 minutes and have I heard a single please? So I'm taking my time answering.

Stop Whining And Sign The Damn Payroll.

Have I mentioned that my boss is a moron? She's driving me frickin' nuts. She gets all pissy about crew members who "aren't doing their job," then turns around and passes the buck when I have a question about coding. She's totally not in control of her own budget. All she's doing is inputting what the UPM and producer tell her. Now, that is part of the job, but it's not usually THE job. A trained monkey could do what she does. I'm so tired of her not being able to answer my questions. And this stupid feud with the transpo coordinator is nuts. She actually told one of his drivers to find out about an amount because she didn't want to talk to him. She said that. Out loud. To his employee. She acts like a silly baby. I think she's mad at me because I called him and asked him. It's not like we didn't need to know or anything...

And she spends all her time on the phone doing personal stuff. I came in early today to make sure the payroll got done on time. It was done early, but not signed until way after she got back from going out to lunch. And just now, she's on the phone w/ her husband talking about some property they want to buy and I put my last piece of paperwork in front of her to sign. She ignored it for 5 minutes so I asked, "Could you sign that so I can send it?" and she pauses to ask me if I can say please... Whatever.

Husband, can I quit this job? Barbara said she'd have something by the end of May. Think about it.

I'm so done with her.