Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I should not work with an assistant until I can clone myself or get Alison on every show. More later...

Friday, April 22, 2011


I overslept Thursday morning. I have a new phone and I probably didn't set the alarm correctly but still, it was 9:05am before a text from a coworker got me up. I had opened my eyes earlier and noticed it was light out but figured the alarm would go off soon and I went back to sleep.

I was surprised to realize that I didn't really care. I got up and showered and packed my lunch and went to work but it didn't seem to matter to me that I was an hour late. I didn't apologize to my boss or anyone else, just strode in and started working. This isn't really like me but for some reason, on this show, I just don't care.

Even though my last show was so difficult for me and my relationship with my boss got so strained I got another job right away. Actually, despite the problems I had on that show, the studio wanted me to take another show for them. They just waited a day too long. Literally.

I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make. I'll figure it out eventually.

In other news, JD is coming to town this week. I'm not sure how many days he'll be on set, but no more than 2. From everything I've heard he's supposed to be a nice guy but the drama surrounding him is going to be a complete pain in the ass; dealing with his entourage and requirements. I would like to see him in person at least once. I wonder if he's as short as most actors seem to be?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The View From Under The Bus

An accountant I worked for in Boston IM'd me to ask if I had any of the waivers for the state. I sent her what I had.

Just found out someone at the studio is mad because of it. Apparently the information on it is old/bad and the recipient threw me under the bus as the originator of the document.

Whatever. Gotta learn to stop helping people out.

My Assistant

I don't like him. I don't know why. He's not offensive but he is boring. Not sure what to do as I need the help...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Movies and Books

I think I've seen more movies (in the theatre) since Brian's been gone than I saw all last year. I've seen Rango, Paul, Hanna, and The Conspirator. I wouldn't recommend Rango but the others were great. Sadly, my movie buddy is out of town next weekend. I'll either have to go by myself or ask someone else. Probably going to be a solo trip to see Water For Elephants. I enjoyed the book and my assistant on S8 worked on it. She also read/liked the book and said they did a pretty good job with the adaptation.

If I don't go, I'll have to find something else to occupy my time. It's a 3 day weekend for us and if I'm not careful I'll end up sleeping it away or reading all day.

I have started reading again but at the moment I'm really into A Discovery of Witches. I got it as an audio book and I've listened to it once and have started on it a second time. It's really struck a chord with me and I'm not sure why. I have ideas, but nothing I've managed to examine too closely. I have other stuff to read, though, so I'm not sure if I'll listen to the whole thing again.

Anyway, I've finished with my time cards - it's my first Sunday working on this show. I don't have everything but I don't think that will be a problem this week. We'll see how it goes next week...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Show Your Work

I've been doing payroll for more than 10 years. I've gotten to the point I can look at a basic, prep week time card and know that I have to pay for 55 hours. If necessary, I will break down the times a bit further and then tally the hours on the calculator and only indicate the total money due. It saves time.

Today, for the first time, an accountant came into my office and told me that I needed to show my work  otherwise the studio auditors will think I just copied the numbers from the edit. I can't imagine the look that must have been on my face - I couldn't believe what I was hearing. If an auditor ever suggested I copied the edit instead of doing the work myself I think I would walk out.

I'm not going to change my ways. When we are shooting and more writing is necessary I will write more. As for now, I'm 40 years old and I'm not in school. I don't have to show you how I reached my conclusion. Ass.

Start Paperwork

Listen - I'm not trying to start something. I'm just trying to tell you that your "stash" of start paperwork is gone. There are no more packets hiding in S's office. I don't care if you had the PA make some yesterday: he made 20 and the hair and makeup dept heads just took 15.

And if I have the time, I'm happy to make more. I'm not trying to make a point by doing it, I'm just making start packets.

Why now? Because we aren't shooting yet. We aren't super busy yet. We have the time to spare now.

And just so you know, the 200 packets your PA is starting? They won't last through the first week of May. You'd think you'd know that by now. This isn't your first show. 

Monday, April 11, 2011


If it wasn't for "Tom Hanson" making a cameo, I'd have nothing to look forward to on this show. Eh, maybe I exaggerate but really, I'm having trouble dealing with the stupid. Sometimes I think I'm too good at my job to put up with crap and then I wonder if I'm just being a stuck up bitch. It got to me today and in the end I had to walk away. I don't feel like the 2 people I report to have my back at all and that's a tough spot to be in. And I miss my dog. I've never been this lonely on location. It won't last forever and maybe once we start shooting I'll be too busy to be lonely or to care.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Mr Lack-of-Personality

I can understand not paying me gas when I'm driving my own car - it's a liability issue.

I can't understand not reimbursing me for the cost of 5 cans of soup per week when I choose not to order lunch with the rest of the crew. So that stops now. I will be ordering lunch everyday and if I can get some veggies out of it, great. Otherwise my assistant gets a take-home dinner. Or maybe I should put soup on the craft service list?

And yes, I did try to get a postage scale for myself in lieu of the normal 6th day payment I get when I switch my work week. But you caught it, didn't you? I'll find something else. It won't be $80 all in one go, though. I'll be sure to spend $100 in increments instead.

No wonder no one wants to work with you more than once... I hope the studio rewards you handsomely for screwing over your staff.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


I decided to start getting up an hour earlier so I could continue to walk to work without getting disgusting because of the humidity. I didn't think it through because today is a rare cool day in NOLA - a front passed through last night and it's only about 56 degrees right now. I should have enjoyed the hour's sleep...

Sunday, April 03, 2011


Since I have to stand all day at work I have started wearing Crocs. I bought one pair of their work shoes and liked them so much I just went back and bought 3 more pairs. None of the are the basic sandal model and no, I didn't buy any jibbits.


Just got back from a walk down to the French Quarter. The husband was upset with me because I didn't leave the condo yesterday after my acupuncture, Walmart run, and stop at the post office. It's the first full weekend he's been gone and it got to me... so I took a nap. Then I couldn't fall asleep last night. That will teach me.

But I walked. I went down to the aquarium and over to the park along the river. I walked to the end of the path, then cut through the French Market and circled the park in Jackson Square (in front of the cathedral). Then I came home. It was nice enough, not too hot and humid, but the city smells. The few businesses that had sprayed down their sidewalk didn't help enough. I can't imagine living down there and having that smell permeate everything.

SC and I are going to see a movie today and we'll probably have dinner as well. Last week we saw Rango and had sushi. I really wanted to like Rango but it just didn't work. At least the sushi was delicious. Today we're supposed to see Paul. We'll see if it's better than Rango.

Friday, April 01, 2011


I'm in New Orleans working on the remake of the 80's show that made Johnny Depp famous. And I'm in it for the location and the possibility of his cameo. Somebody had better get on that!

Anyway, the office isn't dog friendly so Sofie has gone home with her dad. I'm lonely but it's getting busy at work so that helps.

I don't post often enough. FB takes care of a lot of my venting and it's easier. But I think I need to start blogging again. If nothing else it's slightly more anonymous...

New Orleans is an interesting town. It's kind of fabulous and kind of a dump. All of these historic buildings with sidewalks covered in stinking trash cans. The streets are horrendous and the locals can't drive worth shit. We saw more accidents here in the first 6 weeks than I ever saw in Boston (both times I was there!). We got rear-ended by a taxi - that was fun. Took 3 hours for a cop to show up and it was pouring rain.

Speaking of which, the drainage in this town is non-existent. I guess that's what happens when a good portion of the city is technically under sea level.

My back is still screwed up from the herniated disc. I have a drafting table desk and I can't sit for long, or at all if the chair is soft. I did find that Croc work shoes are amazing and I've been wearing them exclusively - I need more than one pair.

I think when it's time for my next show I'm going to aim for Seattle or Portland. Nothing farther away than Santa Fe. And I have to have my Sofie with me - no dog, no show.