Sunday, April 17, 2011

Movies and Books

I think I've seen more movies (in the theatre) since Brian's been gone than I saw all last year. I've seen Rango, Paul, Hanna, and The Conspirator. I wouldn't recommend Rango but the others were great. Sadly, my movie buddy is out of town next weekend. I'll either have to go by myself or ask someone else. Probably going to be a solo trip to see Water For Elephants. I enjoyed the book and my assistant on S8 worked on it. She also read/liked the book and said they did a pretty good job with the adaptation.

If I don't go, I'll have to find something else to occupy my time. It's a 3 day weekend for us and if I'm not careful I'll end up sleeping it away or reading all day.

I have started reading again but at the moment I'm really into A Discovery of Witches. I got it as an audio book and I've listened to it once and have started on it a second time. It's really struck a chord with me and I'm not sure why. I have ideas, but nothing I've managed to examine too closely. I have other stuff to read, though, so I'm not sure if I'll listen to the whole thing again.

Anyway, I've finished with my time cards - it's my first Sunday working on this show. I don't have everything but I don't think that will be a problem this week. We'll see how it goes next week...

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