Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year!

I'm looking forward to calling my folks at midnight tonight. I've never had the opportunity to start the new year 5 hours before they do. We're not going out, though. We never do. Sometimes I think that should bother me more than it does. Not quite sure why - have to mention it to Shrink (my therapist - she has the same name as a friend of mine and the husband was getting confused, so now she's Shrink). Anyway, I know if I really wanted to go out, we'd go. But it just doesn't seem worth it. There are some fireworks we can see from the apartment. I've always loved fireworks. Hated the BOOM! when I was little, but totally dig it now.

We managed to get around to quite a bit today despite the husband's knee. He figured out overnight that it responded petty well to a massage, so we tried to avoid stairs, took the tube as much as possible, and stopped for quick rubdowns as necessary. Went to Trafalgar Square, Whitehall, Big Ben... so much stuff is so close together, you don't realize it looking at a map. You walk a block and turn a corner and there's Downing Street! It's weird, really. LA is so spread out you could never see it on foot. But you could walk to most of the interesting historical bits of London without a problem (although probably not all in one day).

I took a lot more pictures today than before. I haven't downloaded them into the laptop yet, so I don't know how many are worth keeping. I do love that about my new digital camera. I don't take the best photos, so I would take a bunch of the same thing, hoping one would turn out. It cost a fortune in film and developing. Now I take whatever I want and erase the crap ones and I'll be able to print out any good ones whenever I feel like it.

I told the husband I know I'm a bit of a travelogue right now, but it's because I'm in someplace new and exciting. I know when I get back home, back to my regular life, this'll turn into a regular blog. But right now, it's working for me.

I had some kind of S'mores crunch bar for breakfast, which I ate on the way to the tube (took too long with the makeup today).

Thursday, December 30, 2004

The British Museum

The husband finally read the blog last night. I've been told it's too much of a travelogue. I should talk more about my feelings. Well, I should, but I'm in therapy for that very issue. I have trouble expressing my feelings, especially negative ones. But I didn't plan for this to be a diary of my day, so here goes...

Today we went to the British Museum. I had wanted to see the Egypt exhibit and the early British / Pre-History exhibits. I'm amazed by the artistry and craftsmanship of ancient people. With little nothing more than fire, water, and hard physical labor, they created pieces of art and jewelry that are as stunning as anything made today. It just boggles the mind.

So many people at the museum pissed us off. We heard several people ask what the Rosetta Stone was (?). And there were so many people wandering around with a camera stuck to their eyeball that you had to wonder if they really saw anything at all. I did take a couple of pictures, so I'm not wholly innocent, but they were mainly of Egyptian gods with the heads of cats. Got to find out who it was... I've totally forgotten. My favorite part was being able to touch the pieces, to run my fingers across things created 5000 years ago. That I will remember.

We did a bit more shopping - got some things from the museum store (including a ring that mimics a Sussex arm band from the 12th century B.C.) and hit a used book store and a comic shop. There was a woman at the book store who would not move from in front of the science fiction section. She stood there, pulling down one book after another, no rhyme or reason. I did everything I could to be rude to her without actually being rude to her, but she was oblivious. I can't stand people who won't share. We liked the comic shop better than Forbidden Planet. It had that feeling where you know the people who work there love comics and actually read them.

On the way to Trafalgar Square, the husband's knee started to go out. I'm not surprised, considering how much walking we've done this week, but it worries me. I know he won't go and have it looked at when we get home. So we came home early and he kept apologizing, even though he didn't need to. It's not like he planned it and I know it really hurt. He had to lean on me for support. If he's not better tomorrow, I'm buying him a cane.

I did manage to finally buy some flowers at the market. Roses. Not my favorite, but pretty and fairly cheap. I don't usually buy myself flowers and the husband doesn't send them. It's part of my screwed up personal philosophy of "I'm not worth it". Something else I'm working on in therapy. His philosophy? "Flowers die. I'll buy you something that will last."

Not sure what we're going to do tonight since British TV sucks, but we'll figure something out.

Breakfast today? A dark chocolate raspberry bar. Yum.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Husband's Day

Today was all about the Husband - which means we hit as many book stores and comic shops as possible. We took the tube to Covent Garden and wandered around a bit, mostly because I have trouble reading the street signs and sent us on a roundabout trip to the piazza (it was about 100 yards down to the right, but we went straight and had to backtrack...). Our first shop was in the very touristy market. Our guidebook claimed it had the best selection of remainders in the city. If that's the best, I'm not impressed.

We then headed up to Forbidden Planet, a shop my husband had been to in 1989. He spoke very highly of the place, but sadly it did not measure up to his memories. You can blame the internet for that. It used to be you had to go to these stores in foreign countries to get certain things. Now you order them online and have them delivered to your door. Apparently, it's caused a decline in the British comics industry. Not too much there that we couldn't get at home from our regular shop and at a 20% discount.

But we weren't done with books yet. We headed up to Charing Cross Road, touted as a book lover's paradise. Once again, not impressed. Most of the used shops had the same old stuff - not one compared to McKay's in Knoxville, TN. And the new stores were the same as in LA. Maybe bigger, but mostly filled with stuff we could get at home for cheaper.

We ate at a pub, which was fine. I had a pint which I think cost less than the husband's diet cola. And my husband managed to order their last fish (the fish 'n' chips plate).

After lunch, we walked over thru Leicester Square and checked the half-price ticket booth for availability. Nothing we wanted to see, so we headed up Regent Street. It was nice, but felt like Rodeo Drive. A lot of people looking around, not too many actually buying. We went into Hamley's toys store - very crowded. Didn't buy anything, I just wanted to see a 7 story toy store. I think my favorite part was the Harry Potter staircase.

We worked our way back to Covent Garden and bought a pasty and some hot mulled wine, then got on the tube and headed home. Tried to find someplace to have dinner, but everything was full, so we went to KFC and got take-away. Ate at the apartment while watching Battlestar Gallactica. I have to say, I thought that show was gonna be crap, but I really like it.

Anyway, it's 10:45pm and time to get some sleep. We bought 7 books today. 1 was for me. We'll have to do better next time.

Oh yeah, we got up late this morning, so I had a slice of roast beef, a slice of what the British refer to as "mature" cheese, and yellow mustard for breakfast.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

More About Today

We flew to London on the 26th out of LAX on Virgin-Atlantic. Upper-class flight, which is part of being able "to do it the right way." The only way to fly - a very nice lounge to wait in, champagne before take-off, a full service bar, menu options way beyond beef or chicken, complimentary spa treatments, a seat that folds into a bed (with linens). Wow.

After we landed at 11:30am on the 27th, a driver picked us up and took us to the apartment we had rented. We checked in, made ourselves at home, and headed out to find an internet cafe. The rest of the day was taken up with a walk to Harrod's (which was closed) and a trip to the supermarket to get supplies. We managed to stay up until 9pm, which was an achievement considering the jet-lag and the time difference.

Didn't sleep too well, but enough. Got up and headed out to Harrod's again. Open today and pretty crowded on the ground floor. We wandered all over the store, up to the 5th floor and down again. Bought a Harrod's bear for my sister and a couple of pieces of chocolate. If you ever go to Harrod's, the ground floor is so much more crowded than the upper floors, but the service sucked on all of them.

After that bit of shopping (did you know you can buy fossilized dinosaur eggs at Harrod's?), we hit the bus tour. It started off pretty well, but we had to switch lines at the Marble Arch and ended up on the top of the new bus, in the open air. The view was great, saw St Paul's Cathedral, the London Eye, Big Ben, etc, but we nearly froze to death. Made it to the Tower of London and got off. Toured around inside, saw the crown jewels, took some pictures, bought a magnet (I always buy a magnet), then headed back to the bus stop. We bought some art from a couple of street vendors and got into the line, where we started to freeze to death again. Did I mention the high today was 4 (Celsius)? After a couple of minutes of icy cold wind giving us freezer burn, we hit the tube station and rode back home. Warm, nice, comfy... Tried to have dinner in a pub but there weren't any tables, so we hit another restaurant. Not great, but ok. Walked home and downloaded my photos. My husband helped me set up this blog and that was my day.

And by the way, I had a Mocha Mudslide Espresso bar this morning for breakfast.

First Blog, First Day in London

So, I'm on my honeymoon in London. Why am I starting a blog when I'm on my honeymoon? Because I've been married for more than 6 years. So it's not exactly the same thing. But we both wanted to go to London and we wanted to wait until we could afford to do it right. So here we are! And it's not really 11am, it's 7pm. Takes a little getting used to. But I've gotta go. Laptop's about out of juice and the husband still needs to look up an address. More later about all of it...