Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year!

I'm looking forward to calling my folks at midnight tonight. I've never had the opportunity to start the new year 5 hours before they do. We're not going out, though. We never do. Sometimes I think that should bother me more than it does. Not quite sure why - have to mention it to Shrink (my therapist - she has the same name as a friend of mine and the husband was getting confused, so now she's Shrink). Anyway, I know if I really wanted to go out, we'd go. But it just doesn't seem worth it. There are some fireworks we can see from the apartment. I've always loved fireworks. Hated the BOOM! when I was little, but totally dig it now.

We managed to get around to quite a bit today despite the husband's knee. He figured out overnight that it responded petty well to a massage, so we tried to avoid stairs, took the tube as much as possible, and stopped for quick rubdowns as necessary. Went to Trafalgar Square, Whitehall, Big Ben... so much stuff is so close together, you don't realize it looking at a map. You walk a block and turn a corner and there's Downing Street! It's weird, really. LA is so spread out you could never see it on foot. But you could walk to most of the interesting historical bits of London without a problem (although probably not all in one day).

I took a lot more pictures today than before. I haven't downloaded them into the laptop yet, so I don't know how many are worth keeping. I do love that about my new digital camera. I don't take the best photos, so I would take a bunch of the same thing, hoping one would turn out. It cost a fortune in film and developing. Now I take whatever I want and erase the crap ones and I'll be able to print out any good ones whenever I feel like it.

I told the husband I know I'm a bit of a travelogue right now, but it's because I'm in someplace new and exciting. I know when I get back home, back to my regular life, this'll turn into a regular blog. But right now, it's working for me.

I had some kind of S'mores crunch bar for breakfast, which I ate on the way to the tube (took too long with the makeup today).

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