Thursday, March 26, 2009

Job Hunt

I haven't had a call for work for a long time, then I go on vacation and get 3 calls in 1 day. 2 were for television and the 3rd was a feature, but they needed someone to start Monday. I don't even get back home until Tuesday!

I turned them all down - I really need my time off.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Lots of little things going on:

- Last weekend, I went down to Sped's and helped her decorate the nursery (I'll upload pics soon). It took longer than I'd hoped and I didn't get to help load all the baby stuff in, but they've gotten most of it done this week. It's super-cute.

- Right now, I'm in East Tennessee visiting my parents since I didn't make it home at Christmas. I'm having a good, relaxing time and my sister took off from work so we've been shopping and stuff. I made her buy red shoes and would have bought some for myself if they'd had my size. She says she enjoys shopping with me because I make her try stuff she normally wouldn't - I like that!

- Sofie has a bladder infection to go along with the inflammation on her side. At least now they've given her anitbiotics. I'm glad I wasn't home for that because the husband said there was blood and I would have wigged out. She's totally blown our budget but she's worth it.

- I got to visit with Erika and her kids yesterday and had a great time catching up. I'm always worried we won't have anything in common anymore and end up talking about nothing but what happened in high school, but I think we like each other enough to want to know what's going on now. And her girls were a hoot. I know they were putting on a show for company but I enjoyed it. I also brought them some hats and shirts from some of the shows I've worked on. It's stuff I never use and they get to feel cool with their friends.

- I sent out emails to all of the accountants I've worked with (that I liked) letting them know I'm available. I've heard back from most of them but no one has an offer for me yet. I'm not too concerned since it's still slow around town, but I would feel better if I had something lined up. At least the unemployment is good to go.

- It's weird to realize that LA is my home. I never wanted to move there but that's where my life is right now. I just really need to start exploring it more. When I'm there, I feel all fuddy-duddy but when I'm in East TN I feel absolutely cosmopolitan.

- The husband and I gave up our cable subscription. It'll save us $50 a month and a lot of wasted time. I'm hoping to catch up on my reading and movies instead of vegging out in front of the tube. Of course, I left town the day it got shut off and you know my folks have cable! Sorry husband.

That's it for now. Everybody went to 4:30 mass and I've just been killing time waiting for them to come home with dinner. I'm sure tonight will be spent watching tv, but that's how it is here and they are happy with it. Who am I to say it's a bad thing?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Only In LA?

This has been up for about a year and I finally had to take it down and post it. I wonder if they ever found the thing...

Sunday, March 01, 2009


I got "friended" on Facebook by an accountant I've never worked with before but we have some mutual friends. Please Dog let this mean I'm going to start getting some job offers... I've hadn't had a lack of offers like this for a long time. Friggen' actors.