Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 31st

And today is my half-birthday. Not that I actually celebrate such a thing. It's really just an excuse to get cake if there haven't been any recent birthdays on a show. But the clerk gave me a big flower cookie in a wine glass I stole on her behalf from a local restaurant. Very nice surprise.

The Police

Did I mention I'm going to The Police concert tonight? I'm so excited! I never thought I'd get to see them live since they broke up in 1984 and I didn't even have my driver's license then...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Victor Webster

We had the pleasure of working with this man last week. Not only is he super nice and incredibly handsome, he's totally a dog-person. He got down on the floor with both Sofie and Sonoma and loved on them for a long time. I wish I had taken a picture.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wrap Party

I've been checking out a blog called "What Would Tyler Durden Do?" and I have to say, he'd post pictures of hot chicks in skimpy clothes. Most of the time, anyway. Makes me feel kind of pervy to click on the link.

As for the show, BW is done and gone and most people are quite happy about it. We still have 7 days of shooting scheduled but that may go up to 9 - we'll see.

The wrap party is on Sunday and should be craptastic. It's going to be at a bowling alley w/ karaoke, billiards, a batting cage, an arcade, etc and I've been told it's in the "economically disadvantaged area" of Boston. Doesn't matter because with them shooting on Saturday, I have to work on Sunday and I doubt I'll be done in time. Typical.

Friday, July 25, 2008

No Autograph For You

I finally got a chance to ask for BW's autograph for a friend of my sister and the response was "Ooh, autographs on the last day?"

I had no idea today was his last day. As I told the assistant, doing payroll means I live in last week. Oh, well. Sorry 'bout that. I have to say it would have been nicer for him to come around and see if we wanted an autograph rather than send the fruit arrangment. Didn't even have chocolate-covered strawberries...

Husband, you have a point about flowers, but despite the short life-span, there's nothing like the feeling of having someone place a beautiful bouquet in your hands and the anticipation of reading the card - not to mention the thrill of telling people your husband sent flowers "just because".

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thank You's

The construction medics brought payroll 2 cases of beer and several sets of pre-mixed margaritas a couple of weekends ago as a thank you. I took a picture w/ my phone but it's too blurry to use. Anyway, when they found out M doesn't drink, they sent us an Edible Arrangement so she could benefit (one of those mixed fruit packages cut to look like flowers).

This morning, another one came into the office, this time from BW and entourage. A thoughtful gift but considering we'd already gotten one, seems kind of cheap. I mean, that group makes more in a week than twice what my house costs.

Whatever, it was nice of them and I shouldn't be picky.

Thanks guys!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Why Shave Your Head

If you've been threatened with a subpeona for your hair so it can be drug-tested, shaving it off is a good way to make that issue disappear. Of course, you should be sure to collect said hair from the floor of the salon so the owner and the paparazzi can't pick it up and sell it on ebay or turn it over for testing anyway...


I want absolutely nothing to do with work today. So far I've managed to accomplish almost nothing and I don't really care. I know I have to pay the actors and I really need to get the adjustments done. There's also a ton of filing to do...

Eh, whatever.

Husband, I know how you feel about flowers, but you know how I feel about them. Why does it have to be your way?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Bad News

My best friend's mother, my second mom, was disgnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. It's the same thing that killed Betty, my MIL. Ma has had surgery to remove as much as possible and is recuperating for a few weeks before they begin chemo. I took time off work to go home for the weekend and hangout with Sped and Ma - who seems to be in good spirits and doing well, all thing considered.

I've only cried once about it and I was at work, so it didn't last long. Why does shit like this have to happen?

Not Time To Go

A week or so ago, our star announced at lunch (half way through the working day) that his plane was waiting for him on the tarmac and he was leaving. And he did. We finished out the day shooting around his stuff. What an asshat.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Some Drama

There's been some good drama and I have some juicy emails to share, but they're in pdf format and I have to black-out some names before I can post them.

But I can say our star decided to go to NY on Tuesday and, despite having a 9am call time, let us know he wouldn't be in until noon. Of course, we were informed slightly before noon he wouldn't be in until 3pm.

And, even though we had 3 Saturdays scheduled so we could be finished 8/4, he decided he didn't want to work on 2 of those Saturdays. Now we're shooting through 8/8 and will probably be in Boston until after Labor Day.

That's it for now, time to go home and get some sleep.

Sofie Barks

They're shooting on stage right now and since this building was originally just a warehouse, it's not soundproof in any way. When Sofie and I left last night, we went out the back hallway, as we usually do. One end of the hall goes outside and the other end dumps onto the stage - the door from the offices is in the middle.

There was someone coming in from outside and Sofie started barking at him. From the stage end of the hall, I heard a loud SHHHHH, then "cut". Turns out Sofie ruined a take and the 1st AD threw a fit yelling about who would bring a dog to a set...

I wonder if it'll make the blooper reel?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Stunt Money

Stunt people get paid a certain amount just for showing up. Then if they do a particularly dangerous stunt, they get a stunt adjustment. It can range anywhere from a couple hundred bucks to thousands.

The most I had ever paid was $5000 to set someone on fire.

I'm processing a timecard this week for a guy who's getting $13,750.00 in extra money. Now, I've seen the stunt he did (the 2nd unit UPM let us watch some of the footage that had been cut together) and I'd have to say it's probably worth it. If the sequence had gone wrong that stunt guy would have broken his back and then landed on his head.


Cheap Bastages

There's a well known comedian who used to do movies. He was so cheap, at the start of every new production he would change his subscription to the LA Times to the production company. It was still delivered to his house - just paid for by the movie.