Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wrap Party

I've been checking out a blog called "What Would Tyler Durden Do?" and I have to say, he'd post pictures of hot chicks in skimpy clothes. Most of the time, anyway. Makes me feel kind of pervy to click on the link.

As for the show, BW is done and gone and most people are quite happy about it. We still have 7 days of shooting scheduled but that may go up to 9 - we'll see.

The wrap party is on Sunday and should be craptastic. It's going to be at a bowling alley w/ karaoke, billiards, a batting cage, an arcade, etc and I've been told it's in the "economically disadvantaged area" of Boston. Doesn't matter because with them shooting on Saturday, I have to work on Sunday and I doubt I'll be done in time. Typical.

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