Sunday, November 28, 2010

So Fucking Annoying

I am so tired of having to deal with crew people who don't think I know how to do my job. The DGA trainee wrote me an email asking if she should do new time cards for 2 of the AD's because she forgot to note meal money. I wrote back and told her I pay by the rules, not what she writes on the gd card. Really? I've been doing this 12+ years and I'm supposed to rely on a trainee to be able to break a DGA time card?

And then there are the people who have 10 hour guarantees... I know they have that guarantee. I'm usually the one confirming that it is approved and noted correctly on the paperwork. But when they have a short day they always feel the need to push out the wrap time to make sure it shows 10 hours. Doesn't matter that it screws up meal penalties or turnaround. By dog! If they don't show 10 hours they won't get paid 10 hours! BULLSHIT!!! That's my job - that's what I'm paid to do. And you make it harder when I have to find out why your time card doesn't match the production report and then deal with the extra nonsense that your little adjustment caused. ARGH!!!

And this movie is so close to going over budget it's ridiculous. I get the feeling we may not be paying the director after all - it may be the only way to keep under the $75 million cap for the state rebate. Not like he needs the money but I do wonder when the shit's going to hit the fan. We only have 3 weeks left...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I had a sweet job offer the other day and I really wanted to take it. I had it all set where I would work my current show through the end of December and then go onto the new show. We finish shooting on the 16th so that would give me 2 weeks to get things cleaned up instead of the 6 weeks they have planned.

I went into my boss' office last night and told her about my offer and it didn't go well. I can't even remember all the things she said to me but I can remember she told me that while she couldn't stop me from leaving, I would have to know there would be repercussions for my actions.

Wow. That stopped me pretty cold.

So I told the new show that it wasn't going to work out (unless they hired a friend of mine to start and I would come on at the beginning of February). It's an option but it's not ideal for anyone.

But the repercussions have already begun. I don't think my boss said 2 words to me today, including walking past my door on her way out with out saying goodbye. I can't believe I worked so hard for this result. Makes me think I should just leave anyway...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Sunday

I can't vent on FB anymore so I thought I'd keep a running commentary on my day to help get through it.

I really don't want to be here.

People are really sloppy with paperwork that gets them paid.

If we had 4 animal trainers working on Tuesday, why is there no mention of an animal being needed on the call sheet?

My assistant took payroll to set last Thursday and said it was the most uncomfortable set she'd ever been on and that the director wasn't happy. I asked how she knew - she said the yelling gave it away. Apparently he didn't like the stunt double they brought in.

I had to write an email to the guy in charge of the production reports. He's supposedly giving me the most up-to-date reports for Sunday's work but they never are. It's very frustrating having to look at several sources to get my info.

I overpaid mileage - hard to keep track when it's not the same for everybody.

Eh, it's the same old crap every week. I'm tired of it. But I did buy myself flowers today! Too bad I can't get them to post...

Friday, November 12, 2010

6th Day

I'm at work on my 6th day because I couldn't get everything done in 5 days. I'm not getting paid for it so you'd better believe I'm not doing anything more than the minimum. I'm not taking phone calls or dealing with anything else. I did initial the vouchers because I would have been taking them home otherwise. And it's a way to kill time until the payroll company finishes with my stuff.

I don't even really have any good stories from this show. The main actors are kids and aren't doing much. One of the adult stars was overheard having a phone conversation where it sounded as if was hooking up with two women at once. That sent us on a hunt to find out if we had twins working as extras in WV but we couldn't confirm it.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Fucking Teamsters

Those fucktard Teamsters out of Pittsburgh are grieving the show over the most ridiculous bullshit. I hope they all fail the next dmv test and have to find work doing something else. Damn, I hate them.