Sunday, November 28, 2010

So Fucking Annoying

I am so tired of having to deal with crew people who don't think I know how to do my job. The DGA trainee wrote me an email asking if she should do new time cards for 2 of the AD's because she forgot to note meal money. I wrote back and told her I pay by the rules, not what she writes on the gd card. Really? I've been doing this 12+ years and I'm supposed to rely on a trainee to be able to break a DGA time card?

And then there are the people who have 10 hour guarantees... I know they have that guarantee. I'm usually the one confirming that it is approved and noted correctly on the paperwork. But when they have a short day they always feel the need to push out the wrap time to make sure it shows 10 hours. Doesn't matter that it screws up meal penalties or turnaround. By dog! If they don't show 10 hours they won't get paid 10 hours! BULLSHIT!!! That's my job - that's what I'm paid to do. And you make it harder when I have to find out why your time card doesn't match the production report and then deal with the extra nonsense that your little adjustment caused. ARGH!!!

And this movie is so close to going over budget it's ridiculous. I get the feeling we may not be paying the director after all - it may be the only way to keep under the $75 million cap for the state rebate. Not like he needs the money but I do wonder when the shit's going to hit the fan. We only have 3 weeks left...

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