Thursday, April 28, 2005

We Are Not That Busy

Yes, I'm a well paid payroll accountant for a Showtime series. But I have to tell you that I spent about 2 hours today, during work, shopping for stuff for the office. Not supplies, oh no. There are production assistants to do that. I mean I was at Ikea and Target buying chairs and rugs for our "sitting area." We're doing a pink, shabby chic look. This industry is too weird. I don't think the real world would believe the things we take for granted. Like Craft Service - which basically means free food all day long.

Anyway, I'm going to Petco tonight after work to pick up some gates. We're going to try limiting Sofie to the kitchen area during the day in the hopes she'll get housebroken. I figure the cats can jump over if they need to, and sit outside and taunt her if they want to. Wish us luck.

And I did get a pre-offer for the New Orleans show. It sounds really good and if it wasn't 3000 miles away, I'd have already said yes. It's going to star Kevin and Ashton, but that's always open to change. People drop out of stuff in a heartbeat. I did find out that there is a short list of people up for my position, but I've worked with the studio and 1st assistant before. I'm a known entity for them. Either way, the husband and I talked about the chance to spend 6 months in a new city on somebody else's dime. It's an interesting idea... we'll see what happens.

I need to document the cat habits Sofie is picking up from her sister and brothers. She totally thinks they're her pack and she's starting to act like them. It's really odd and I'm worried the dogs at the dog park will tease her about it...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I've already written this once, but something weird happened and here I am again.

I found out this morning that my sister reads this blog. She says it's interesting, but I've been racking my brain trying to remember if I've written anything I wish she hadn't read - don't think so...

Not that I'm going to censor myself.

I had the electrician out this morning. Trying to get some light into the second bedroom. Right now, all it has is 2 wall sconces. Useless. I want to put in a ceiling mounted light and have them change 3 other fixtures. I know I could probably change a light fixture myself, but no, too scary. Electricity is just too scary. The price was ok, not great, not awful, but I still have to buy the fixtures before anything gets done and that's the hard part. The really cool ones are so expensive!

I have a job offer headed my way that I don't really want. It's for a Disney show in New Orleans. Going on location is not my ideal, especially Louisiana in the summer. And the husband will be upset if I try to go off for months and leave him with 3 cats and Sofie. What a handful. But I'll hear the offer and politely say no thank you. Although the series I'm on is not my favorite, at least it's in town.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I read Girlfiend's blog. The husband found it and I noticed it in his bookmarks. Now I'm addicted, too. Her latest blog requests we give Mix some comments, cause he seems like a lonely guy who wants people to care about what he writes. Mix, I don't get comments either, mostly because I assume no one is reading any of this but the husband. Which is fine. Sure, it'd be nice to have a little fan base of bloggers who link in, but what if you don't blog for a while? Or if you have nothing to say? Or if you're just really frickin' boring? So, I've learned to forgo the comments. It's all about me, anyway.

Monday, April 25, 2005


My boss is a moron. Nice lady and can do her job, but thick as a brick.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

I Really Do Love Animals

Please don't call the ASPCA on me. I am a pet person. It's just that I occasionally have little "accidents" with my pets...

This time it's Sofie the dog. Today was our first attempt to trim nails and we did really well. The instructions said to trim a little bit off each week, which would make the vein recede. So I managed to get one paw done by myself. The second paw was harder for some reason, maybe because Sofie had figured out what was happening and didn't care for it. Anyway, I only got 1 or 2 nails done before I gave up.

After lunch, the husband held her down so I could finish, but I forgot which ones I had already done. Needless to say, I snipped, Sofie yelped, and blood flowed. Damn, did that bleed. And those stupid styptic pads were useless. And apparently tasty, since Sofie wanted nothing more than to eat them. The husband freaked out and we took off for the vet. By the time we got there, the bleeding had stopped, which was a good thing since the vet was closed.

But the dog is fine. She seems to have forgotten all about it, but I'll believe that when I try again next week. Got to keep those nails trimmed - I've got some nasty scars.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Earthquake! Cats & Dogs! Tattoos!

We had an earthquake here yesterday, a 5.1 centered about 80 miles northeast of where I live. Didn't feel a damn thing. Didn't even know we'd had one until I got online last night to check my email and saw CNN. I'm not sure if I'm glad or disappointed. Those things freak me out, because there's no warning at all. Sure, some people say "it's earthquake weather" when it's been hot and still for awhile, but it's been breezy, so that ain't it. But then when family asks if we felt it and I have to say no, then you gotta wonder what the big deal is. I've been told they have a big one every ten years and I think Northridge was is '94, so we're overdue.

I've got Darby sitting next to me while I type. I need to figure out how to post pics, as she's pretty damn cute, but mean looking. She and her new sister have a weird relationship going on. She growls at Sofie and bats at her, but seems to be encouraging Sofie's attentions. Weird. Maybe she's a masochist.

I got my tattoo yesterday. A very nice Buddhist named Cambron did it over at Graffiti Palace. Venus was late and I thought maybe she wasn't coming, so I went in on my own. He had a book of astrological stuff that had a great Aquarius symbol in it, so I had that one done. It's a bit bigger and lower on my neck than I had planned, but Cambron explained the placement as necessary to avoid the crease in my neck (when I turn my head) which would crack the tattoo. And with that symbol, if you go too small, it looks like nothing more than squiggly lines. I was looking at the stencil when Venus finally came in. She approved too, so I went ahead with it. Didn't hurt too much and only took about 5 minutes.

Venus looked through a couple of books, but ended up getting the tattoo she brought in with her, the Chinese symbols for father and daughter. Looked really cool on her lower back. I had found 2 other tattoos I really liked and seriously thought about getting, but I figured I didn't want to wig the husband out too badly, so I stopped with the one. I hoping to get the others later...I'm such white trash.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Still Not That Exciting...

Well, we're at the end of the show and nothing much happened. I never made it out to set, with my broken tailbone and all. I feel better now, but when we were shooting, it wasn't pretty. I just couldn't make myself go. And we haven't gotten to see any dailies, either. The show's getting good buzz, but who can tell? It's not like I'll be back, anyway.

I'm going on to a Showtime project next - a series. My regular boss hasn't gotten a job and I need to be employed... I was pretty unhappy with her about the whole thing. She's known for a while that we'd be available in April, but she never got anything lined up. Then she tried to guilt me when I told her I'd gotten an offer. But I gave her my word and until it's really doing me harm, I'm going to stick to it. It's actually worked out pretty well in the end. I only have to give Showtime a week's notice and it's back to "feature-land." The money is so much better there!

The dog is amazingly cute and an utter terror. I have so many scratches on my hands and arms and legs. She just gets so excited to see me (anybody). She ate "The Stand" and chewed a chunk out of the drywall in the hallway. Granted, it had been chipped when we were moving in furniture, but now it's substantially bigger. She's teething bad. And we think she actually ate the drywall...

We're going to try and really start training her. I'm getting through the book and I hope it's not too late. Man, she's cute, though. It's all worth it for those big brown eyes and the way she looks at you when you talk to her; she perks up her ears and cocks her head to one side.

Her favorite toys are (in no particular order): moose, squirrel, frog, stick, and Darby. Darby doesn't like being a favorite toy, but she does enjoy the attention, no matter how much she growls.

I'm about to leave work and get my hair dyed chocolate brown. It's only a temp color, so if it's really bad it won't last long and I'll go back to red. We'll see what happens but I hope it works out. I need something different. I'm definitely going to grow my hair out again. I'm done with short.

Maybe my next blog will be better. I'm hoping to get a tattoo this Saturday!