Thursday, April 28, 2005

We Are Not That Busy

Yes, I'm a well paid payroll accountant for a Showtime series. But I have to tell you that I spent about 2 hours today, during work, shopping for stuff for the office. Not supplies, oh no. There are production assistants to do that. I mean I was at Ikea and Target buying chairs and rugs for our "sitting area." We're doing a pink, shabby chic look. This industry is too weird. I don't think the real world would believe the things we take for granted. Like Craft Service - which basically means free food all day long.

Anyway, I'm going to Petco tonight after work to pick up some gates. We're going to try limiting Sofie to the kitchen area during the day in the hopes she'll get housebroken. I figure the cats can jump over if they need to, and sit outside and taunt her if they want to. Wish us luck.

And I did get a pre-offer for the New Orleans show. It sounds really good and if it wasn't 3000 miles away, I'd have already said yes. It's going to star Kevin and Ashton, but that's always open to change. People drop out of stuff in a heartbeat. I did find out that there is a short list of people up for my position, but I've worked with the studio and 1st assistant before. I'm a known entity for them. Either way, the husband and I talked about the chance to spend 6 months in a new city on somebody else's dime. It's an interesting idea... we'll see what happens.

I need to document the cat habits Sofie is picking up from her sister and brothers. She totally thinks they're her pack and she's starting to act like them. It's really odd and I'm worried the dogs at the dog park will tease her about it...

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