Sunday, April 17, 2005

Earthquake! Cats & Dogs! Tattoos!

We had an earthquake here yesterday, a 5.1 centered about 80 miles northeast of where I live. Didn't feel a damn thing. Didn't even know we'd had one until I got online last night to check my email and saw CNN. I'm not sure if I'm glad or disappointed. Those things freak me out, because there's no warning at all. Sure, some people say "it's earthquake weather" when it's been hot and still for awhile, but it's been breezy, so that ain't it. But then when family asks if we felt it and I have to say no, then you gotta wonder what the big deal is. I've been told they have a big one every ten years and I think Northridge was is '94, so we're overdue.

I've got Darby sitting next to me while I type. I need to figure out how to post pics, as she's pretty damn cute, but mean looking. She and her new sister have a weird relationship going on. She growls at Sofie and bats at her, but seems to be encouraging Sofie's attentions. Weird. Maybe she's a masochist.

I got my tattoo yesterday. A very nice Buddhist named Cambron did it over at Graffiti Palace. Venus was late and I thought maybe she wasn't coming, so I went in on my own. He had a book of astrological stuff that had a great Aquarius symbol in it, so I had that one done. It's a bit bigger and lower on my neck than I had planned, but Cambron explained the placement as necessary to avoid the crease in my neck (when I turn my head) which would crack the tattoo. And with that symbol, if you go too small, it looks like nothing more than squiggly lines. I was looking at the stencil when Venus finally came in. She approved too, so I went ahead with it. Didn't hurt too much and only took about 5 minutes.

Venus looked through a couple of books, but ended up getting the tattoo she brought in with her, the Chinese symbols for father and daughter. Looked really cool on her lower back. I had found 2 other tattoos I really liked and seriously thought about getting, but I figured I didn't want to wig the husband out too badly, so I stopped with the one. I hoping to get the others later...I'm such white trash.

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