Friday, April 01, 2011


I'm in New Orleans working on the remake of the 80's show that made Johnny Depp famous. And I'm in it for the location and the possibility of his cameo. Somebody had better get on that!

Anyway, the office isn't dog friendly so Sofie has gone home with her dad. I'm lonely but it's getting busy at work so that helps.

I don't post often enough. FB takes care of a lot of my venting and it's easier. But I think I need to start blogging again. If nothing else it's slightly more anonymous...

New Orleans is an interesting town. It's kind of fabulous and kind of a dump. All of these historic buildings with sidewalks covered in stinking trash cans. The streets are horrendous and the locals can't drive worth shit. We saw more accidents here in the first 6 weeks than I ever saw in Boston (both times I was there!). We got rear-ended by a taxi - that was fun. Took 3 hours for a cop to show up and it was pouring rain.

Speaking of which, the drainage in this town is non-existent. I guess that's what happens when a good portion of the city is technically under sea level.

My back is still screwed up from the herniated disc. I have a drafting table desk and I can't sit for long, or at all if the chair is soft. I did find that Croc work shoes are amazing and I've been wearing them exclusively - I need more than one pair.

I think when it's time for my next show I'm going to aim for Seattle or Portland. Nothing farther away than Santa Fe. And I have to have my Sofie with me - no dog, no show.

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