Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Walk The Talk

I'm so sick of people in Hollywood saying they want to help you, then never following through. I have to sit here and listen to a coworker tell the same story over and over about how she's going to help a new friend, an actress, become a huge star. She's going to set her up with a producer and help her get a really good agent and tax accountant and introduce her to a famous Hispanic director... whatever.

This is the same woman who told me she would help the husband get in with a manager, who promptly asked for log lines. I don't think so. If he was an A-List agent, then yes, we'd send him whatever he wanted. But he's a manager. Big whoop.

If they really want to help, they just do it. They don't sit around talking about it. I'm learning this the hard way, but I am learning it.

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