Monday, February 14, 2005

Only A Pipe Thru My Head Would Feel This Bad

I have a headache. Actually, I've had it since last night and it won't go away. It's not as bad as it was, but keeps threatening to return in full force if I stay vertical for too long. I tried to describe it to the husband by saying if, in a past life, I had ever impaled myself on a pipe thru my left eye out the back of my skull, then my headache would be phantom pain from that. Yes, it's weird, but that's how it feels. At least the nausea went away.

So I'm taking it easy today, lying around and reading. But I'm getting pretty bored. I start work on the 28th (finally). I'm going to be doing a pilot for Warner Bros called Conviction. I don't have any idea who's going to be in it - it's not been cast yet according to the trades. Usually, all I really want to know is when do I start, do I get benefits, where's the office, and what's my rate. But since other people want to know who the star will be, I've gotten better at asking. I still think my questions are the most important and the answers will determine whether or not I take a job. I'm doing my best to not take a job over the hill, cause that hour commute each way really kills me. But if it happens, it happens.

At least I may have something interesting to write about. I totally plan to spill all the tidbits I pick up at work. But I think I'll probably have to leave names out if it's at all possible I'd get in trouble. Good stuff, I'll name names. Bad stuff, you'll have to guess. Like Wonder Bitch from my last show. More about her later...

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