Sunday, February 06, 2005

Matron of Honor & Dogs

I'm going to be the Matron of Honor for my best friend's wedding in May. It's in Vegas and I've got so many wonderfully evil things planned. I can't really go into too much detail here, but I will tell all after the big day.

Anyway, I went to her and the fiance's place in Carlsbad this weekend, to meet a couple of the other people in the wedding party and to get a guest list out of her for the bachelorette party and the shower. She's notoriously unorganized and you kind of have to sit on her to get things done. It worked out really well, though. I got my lists and everybody was really cool. The other bridesmaids liked my ideas so far and added some great ones of their own. It was nice to get together with a group of friends like that. I wish we had a group like that up here. I mean, we probably could get something started, but it'd be mainly people I know from work and the husband may not really be into that. But I do miss hanging out with other people and I think it would be good for us. I still want to have a party and invite couples... We'll see.

The husband and I went to the pound today to look at dogs. We already have 3 cats, but we both want a dog. We thought we'd look at small ones, and maybe get a puppy that would grow up thinking the cats were its pack. They had a few, but none that had any real personality. But then we saw Moose and Rocky - great big Alaskan Malamutes (at least one of them, the other may have been a mix). Man, those were good dogs. If we had a yard, they'd have both come home with us. It sucks to live in SoCal in a condo. It makes me want to go out and buy a house, just to get them. Good dogs. Damn.

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