Thursday, December 06, 2007

Happy St Nicholas Day!

I'm about to go home and veg out - today's been a long day.

The POC's dog was in the office today and he decided to come by my desk and piss on the floor. Luckily he missed my foot and the big stack of actor files. I yelled to her about it and she came and cleaned it up - hopefully it won't stink tomorrow. Then again, I'm not here tomorrow so what do I care?

I went out to set to hand out checks and managed to get shunted off the freeway because they're doing a lot of construction and I missed the fact I was in an exit only lane. I think it took me longer to get to set than it did to hand out the checks. Some days it takes forever to find everybody but this was zip in and zip out. I almost went to Target (which was right across the parking lot) but I hadn't eaten lunch yet and wanted to get back in time for the 2nd unit catering.

Then it was clean up and research. I had to wrap my head around a SAG project and check some numbers. Took longer than I anticipated because it was based on stupidity and that's not a language in which I'm fluent. I got it done, though.

Did I mention I pinched my palm in my mondo stapler yesterday? I've got a red mark and a dime-sized bruise. At least it doesn't hurt anymore and the medic gave me a whole tube of Arnica. Yay free stuff!

I also got a call from an accountant about a job but she spoke so quickly I have no idea what her name was. It's a Sony show, but that's all I know. The timing may not work out - she's going to call me back. We'll see.

I forgot today is St Nicholas Day. It's also Sofie's birthday - she's 3 (we don't actually know when her birthday is but we know it's around this time and St Nick's Day is as good as any).

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