Monday, December 31, 2007

Going Home

OK, I'm back from seeing the family over Christmas and I had a great time. I missed the husband and the animals, but it was very nice spending all my time with my family. My niece and nephews are older and a lot more fun to be around. We played in the leaves and kicked a rock around (soccer-rock) and baked coffee cakes and basically just amused ourselves.

My sister paid for my niece to get her ears pierced as a present and because she was nervous, I said I'd get my right ear pierced with a 2nd hole. I already had the 2nd one in my left ear from college but never thought about getting the right one done. It worked well because she got to see how easy it was before having to go through it. I'm a good aunt because it kind of hurts and I keep getting my hair wrapped around it (which I had to lie about when my sister-in-law asked me if I'd had any trouble because my niece didn't want to wash her hair).

Anyway, it was good to see everyone and makes me wish I'd keep in better touch, but I know I won't. It's nothing personal but you can't help but get caught up in your own life. There's a chance my older nephew and my #2 brother will visit me in Boston, but who knows what'll happen by then.

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