Friday, March 17, 2006

Lucky Dog Day (again)

Well, it's all over but the lugging of boxes out to the car. My office is packed up and I'm just waiting for the UPM to sign the last of the payroll so I can get it ready to go. He's eating lunch right now, so it may take a while...

Almost everything is ready for the trip to Santa Fe. I have to do some last minute laundry, pack up the cat and dog toys, and empty out the fridge of anything that may go nasty while we're gone. Hard to believe it's actually here.

I do still have to run by a drug store and see if I can find a new wrist brace (for my carpal tunnel). The one I have doesn't let me hold a pen very well so I haven't been using it. Not the best choice, turns out. So if I get out of here soon, I'll do that on the way home.

Have a confession to make... I read the message boards on IMDB regarding the movies I work on and the SOAP board had someone saying that Pacino had a cameo. Well, I wondered if it was true and got a cast list from the original shoot and he wasn't on it. So I wrote a reply stating that fact and got called an "effing moron" for not realizing it was a joke. Actually, I did figure it was a joke, since they had Al playing a gay flight attendant doing an homage to his Scarface character. The point I was trying to make was that I'M WORKING ON THE MOVIE AND CAN GET ACCESS TO THE CONFIDENTIAL CAST LIST AND NOW HAVE NAMES AND ADDRESSES FOR EVERY ACTOR ON THE FILM! So bite my big white @ss!

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