Saturday, March 25, 2006

Drivin' to Abq

I refuse to type out the city's name. I know it's not that hard to spell, but it's long, I don't wanna, and you can't make me.

Anyway, the husband and I spent Saturday in Abq going to book stores and comic book shops. It was a nice drive on a nice day and we found some other stuff in-between. We got a very nice piece of artwork - a picture of a cat that looks like the husband's cat Elroy. We also stopped in at a bread shop and got a delicious pumpkin-cream cheese bar and a slice of a sunflower-seed honey wheat bread - yummy.

We got back to the apartment and took the dog out to the dog park. It's about 70 acres but it's not fenced, so we were a little leery. Sofie seemd to have a good time, but she got tired of us calling to her to heel when she just wanted to run run run. That dog loves to run and it's a joy to see, but we worry she's not obedient enough to come back every time. After it started getting dark we walked down to the car and headed home, stopping at a media shop for the husband to have a look around. I sat in the car with Sofie and she was so intent on the store, waiting for her dad to come out. When she couldn't take it any longer, I got us out and she made a bee-line right to the door. We couldn't go in and she was upset but the dad came out soon after and all was right with the world again.

We went for Indian for dinner and although it was good, it wasn't as good as Curry House at home. They are my second favorite Indian place, with number one being in London.

On Sunday, we got up early to go to the flea market at Tesuque. The guide book said it opened at 7:30 but when we pulled up at 8:20, the sign said they opened at 8 and there were only about 6 booths open. It looked like it could have been a good market, but with nothing really open I was disappointed. The husband then suggested we drive to Abq again and go to the market at the state fair grounds. We hopped back in the car and off we went.

The Abq market was pretty good, better than the one in Honolulu. They had some repeat vendors, but there were a lot of people selling yard-sale type stuff, which I like. We got a fake stone lion that I'm going to try and make look more like granite and the husband bought some books. Then we got me a cowboy hat, which I really like, and a table for the apartment. We also bought some Indian sweet bread that was a bit on the stale side.

On our way home, we went back by the used book store and got some audio books for the drive home and some more bread from the bakery.

All in all, a pretty good weekend.

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