Sunday, March 05, 2006

Behind the Scenes @ Oscar

The husband and I had to go down to Hollywood Blvd yesterday to pick up some stuff for Erdedo's daughter's birthday party. She's having a movie theme and I offered to pick up something that said "Hollywood" that came from Hollywood. The really cheesy souvenir shops are down there.

Anyway, we took the subway and emerged in the midst of all the Oscar hoopla. They have the street blocked off and a pedestrian detour to get you from one side of the theatre to the other. You can't see much, as the barricade walls are 8 feet high, but every now and again there's a break in the wall and you can see the red carpet and the Oscar statues.

The detour routes you thru the Hollywood & Highland complex that houses the Kodak theatre and there's a spot where you can look down at the red carpet entryway. Everybody was stopping there to take pictures and it was causing a huge logjam.

I'm not usually that interested in the Oscars, but I'm going to watch this year. I'm not interested in who's going to win, I just think Jon Stewart is going to do a great job as host.

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