Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dreams of Alias

I dreamed last night that I was an extra on the tv show Alias. The scene was a convention/seminar of some sort (maybe for teachers) and there was a group of us in a long line. We were supposed to enter from the back of the hall and go down the aisle to the front and pick up some brochures and stuff. I was at the end of the line and my picking up a certain brochure was supposed to be Jennifer Garner's cue. So we had a run thru and they decided everybody as going too fast and we were sent back out into the lobby to try again. Somehow, I got lost and wandered thru the backstage area doing random things (which I can't remember now) until I stumbled back out into the lobby. The assistant director was yelling at me to hurry up, as the line was already disappearing into the hall. I caught up, but when I got down to where the brochures were supposed to be, people were milling around and the brochures had turned into books, mainly sci-fi. So it's apparent to me that I've missed something and I started watching everybody else to see what to do. They're all whipping out cash and credit cards and buying the books. I looked around and saw that a few tables down, an older woman was selling art and another was selling crafts. Finally, I realized, while still asleep, that my dream had morphed from the Alias extra scenario to a comic book convention. Except for the fact Sidney Bristow (not Jennifer Garner, but SB) was at the convention undercover. That's when I woke up.

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