Monday, June 11, 2007

World Premiere

I went to the world premiere of EA last night. I thought it was going to be just a cast and crew screening, but it really was the premiere. They had a red carpet and everything, even though I was shunted off behind the press - not important enough I guess. Anyway, while waiting for C I saw James Kyson Lee (Ando from Heroes), Rachael Harris, and David Hasselhoff. There were other actors from the movie attending but the ones I would have recognized I didn't see and the ones I saw I didn't recognize. Besides, I spent a lot of time thinking someone looked familiar only to realize it was the construction foreman or something. The big names saw the movie in the Gibson Amphitheatre and the rest of us saw it at the AMC.

I thought it was fine, not great but not terrible either. I think kids may like it more than adults but I hate to be responsible for someone seeing/not seeing it because of my opinion. When I worked at BBV, I used to get out of reviewing movies by claiming I liked Mom and Dad Save the World. Now, if I truly love or hate a movie I will say so, but most don't fall into one of those extremes.

C and I went to the after-party for a few minutes. She wanted to go home and see The Sopranos and I didn't want to stay by myself (and I wanted to take Sofie to the dog park). We got caricatures, had dessert, got our goodie bags and left. The bags weren't fabulous but a nice touch - an energy-saving lightbulb, some granola, discount zoo passes, a tote bag (can you see the eco-friendly theme here?). Hasselhoff did walk right in front of us while we wandered around... boy, can you say sunscreen? He needs some spf 100 and some moisturizer stat.

I still stand by my theory: the more peripheral you were to a movie being made, the more you dress for the party/premiere. Actors are exceptions because they have to look good all the time, but you just know some of the people there had never worked on a movie set in their life. But it's fun to watch.

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