Monday, June 18, 2007

Fucking Rigging Grips

Speaking of not taking any crap, I got the time cards for the rigging grips this morning and the key and the best boy both have days where they indicate they didn't take a lunch. I called EG to ask him about it.

FC: Hey EG, I got your time cards and you indicate no lunch on a couple of days...

EG: Yeah, that's from the scout and from loading the truck.

FC: OK well, I have to check with the Prod Supervisor and make sure that's approved.

EG: That's ok, you can change it, whatever the PS wants, we don't care.

FC: Well, if you didn't care then you wouldn't have put down that you didn't get a lunch... But I'll check on it anyway.

PS basically said HELL NO and called him about it. Tired of the bullshit and not taking it anymore. Thanks N for the inspiration.

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