Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Dead Drills

I took pics of the roses but totally failed at getting them downloaded. I also took pics of Quincy and Sofie and did nothing with them, either. I have 3 or 4 cd's that I want to put into my computer that are just sitting at home somewhere and my drill died so I need to buy a new one.

That last one I think I can handle while at work. Since they're not paying for lunch yet, I can take an hour and go out. There's a Sears within walking distance and I think I'll go use the gift card my brother got me for Christmas that I forgot I had. I don't know what I'm going to get yet, but something with more power than the 6 volt I have now. I wasn't sure it had died because the first problem showed up while I was screwing in some lantern hangers out on the patio. I just thought the wood was really hard. Then the drill died while hanging some metal strips in the kitchen (for my magnet collection). I figured if it couldn't handle drywall, it was done.

Speaking of the patio, the landscaper I tried to hire never called back (it's been over 2 weeks). I guess I'm just going to have to go at it myself. I asked N for some suggestions on plants that grow up instead of out and she suggested irises. I was thinking irises, too. She's going to look in some of her gardening books and let me know.

By the way, I didn't go riding this weekend. I pruned a dead bush back to the roots instead. It needed doing and the patio already looks better, but I wish I'd gone riding. The commute isn't convienent on the scooter and I don't ride as much as I'd like. Maybe this coming weekend.

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