Monday, June 18, 2007

Fucking Agents

I hate agents.

I just got off the phone with the agent for the DP. He's been working for a while but hasn't signed his contract. Actually, from what I've heard he did sign his contract but not completely - it was sent back for the rest of the signatures...

Anyway, the studio won't let me release any checks without having a signed contract on file - they actually have to give me the green light. So I'm sitting here with a stack of checks that I can't send anywhere.

This bitch agent calls and starts trying to rip me a new one, trying to scare me into getting the DP a check. She's talking a mile a minute and won't let me say a word. In bits and pieces I manage to tell the tale about the half-signed contract and she snaps that no one sent it to her. I reply that I wasn't involved in any of that and she starts talking over me again. Finally, I tell her that if she's not going to let me get a word in edgewise, there's no point in the conversation. She yells, "GO". So I tell her that I am the bottom of the food chain and I can't do anything until the people who hire/fire me tell me to. I suggest she contact the lawyer who is negotiating the contract and the Dumas says that's it's an independent lawyer who has nothing to do with the studio - EXCEPT FOR THE FACT HE'S NEGOTIATING THE CONTRACTS!!!

Anyway, she doesn't like what I'm saying, which is basically that I can't help her and won't be cowed by her intimidation tactics and hangs up. Good riddance. Agents are leeches who need to feel like they earn their 10% but they don't need to take it out on me. I'm not putting up with any crap any more.

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