Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Shit List

I've got the first person on my shit list.

The camera department didn't come by on Thursday to pick up their paychecks nor did they call to let me know what to do with them. So I mailed them on Friday - which is standard operating procedure.

KK (the B camera 2nd asst) called yesterday to ask if I had held them or mailed them and I said mailed on Friday because no one had asked me to do something different. She assumed they would get them yesterday. She called again today because they haven't received them yet. It wouldn't have been a big deal but she had the nerve to say "the checks you supposedly mailed". WTF? I couldn't let that go by - I replied "there's no supposedly about it, I put them in the mail on Friday". What a bitch. Did she really think I was just going to take that? I hate that passive-aggressive crap.

Anyway, I offered to have them stopped and recut but it takes 72 hours for the payroll company to get authorization from the bank to recut a check. She's going to call me back...

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