Monday, April 03, 2006

Long Weekend

I was going to wait until I got home to post today, but I'm so bored and I'm afraid I'll forget something (which I always do). But I have pictures to add so you'll have to check back later for the visuals...

The husband and I drove home Friday night non-stop. Actually, he did most of the driving while I took a sleeping pill and passed out. That was the plan, though, because by the time I woke up he was tired and I took over. It was a long night and it was nice to finally pull into the parking garage. I had picked up some doggy downers for Sofie to help her not wig out so much and they seemed to help. She didn't spend the entire ride trembling, just some of it. And despite what the husband says, she prefers to sit in his lap while in the car. Whether or not he was driving, she wanted to be with him. So there.

Anyway, we pulled in around 4:30 am and crawled into bed. I woke up around 10:30 because the dog was making weird noises in her sleep and I was sure she was dying - some kind of reaction to the downers or something. But no, she was just making noises and when she saw I was awake, that was it for me. I got a paw to the head which is her signal that it's time to GO.

When we got back from walkies, I went thru the 2 weeks worth of mail that the neighbors had brought in for us. We get a lot of crap. Later, after the husband got up, we went shopping and stopped at the post office. Then we took S out - when I asked her if she wanted to go to the dog park, she actually got so excited she barked, twice. She's not a vocal dog so when she barked we knew it was a big thing. She had a good time and ran around a lot. Nice to not have to keep calling her back like in SF.

We came back and I did a little laundry, watched some tv, hung out... I noticed a bird had built a nest in a hanging candle holder thing on the back porch. I'd never lit a candle in there, so I guess they thought it was safe. On Sunday, I took some pics and saw that there were 4 eggs in it. Cool. I will post them later.

Saturday night we went to see V for Vendetta. I can't say much about it, it didn't make that much of an impression on me, but the husband disliked it so much we left about 30 minutes in. Maybe 40 minutes - not sure since the - previews seemd to last an hour by themselves. I'll probably Netflix it and finish it up, but it's not high on my list. Too bad. Alan Moore is a fantastic writer but they always fark up his movies. The Natalie Portman character in the graphic novel is a prostitue, which would put a different spin on things, don't you think?

Anyway, Sunday morning came and we didn't realize it was daylight savings time, which blew because we were going to take Sofie to the dog park on the way to the airport. By the time we realized the mistake, we had an hour to get there and had to dash out the door. Poor little girl was sitting by my luggage quivering and looking so sad. I tried to be cheerful and not make it seem like I was leaving for 2 weeks, but it was hard. Maybe she was just worried she's have to go on another long car ride and it had nothing to do with me. Gonna miss that dog. Gonna miss the husband, too, but I can talk to him on the phone. It's just not the same thing.

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