Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Not Much to Tell

I haven't written much because there's nothing going on here. I'm so bored! We had that 2 week push and have just recently started hiring again, but it's still slow. I know it'll get crazy-busy soon enough, but I'm so over this.

Ok, I do have a bit of gossip. Turns out one of our stars is a big fan of motorcycles and owns quite a few. He's bringing a truckload to SF and they're going to put my Vespa in with them. I can't be more specific, because it's an insurance issue. We have to insure these actors and if they are known to engage in dangerous activities, the rates are astronomical or no one will issue a policy. So sorry, no names on this one.

The other bit of news I have is a check I got from my parents. My grandfather owned a small farm in southern Indiana and his kids finally decided to sell it. They divided the proceeds among the 4 of them, then my mom and dad decided to send each of their kids a share. The grandkids got some too, but not the spouses. It was a pretty cool thing for them to do and I'm going to have to think of something cool to do with the money. Although my current idea is to use it to join a fairly expensive gym here in SF now that my 2 week trial membership is up. Maybe I'll get a massage, too.

I enjoyed "A History if Violence" if anybody cares. It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but it kept me interested and even had some nice twists. Kind of hard to watch at the beginning, but I got thru it.

The husband tells me that Sofie is wigging out on him. She demands to be right with him at all times and goes wild when he has to leave her at home. I feel responsible, since I'm sure she's afraid he'll disappear like I did. Another reason to not take location shows, I guess. And when I got home last night, I saw Quincy on the staircase outside the apartment. I guess I didn't get the door locked and it tends to get blown open by the wind. I don't know how long it was open, but only Quincy had made it outside and he turned and ran back in when he saw me. I managed to stay calm until I was sure the other 2 were still inside, then I freaked out. Man, my worst nightmares...

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