Saturday, January 28, 2006

Getting Ready to Go Home

Took Sofie to the Bow Wow Bungalow today for her boarding... cried like a baby after we left. I know it's stupid to cry about leaving her, but I love that dog and I worry about her. Maybe it's for the best I don't have children - I probably wouldn't be able to function.

Had a star sighting over in Studio City. We were waiting to turn left onto Ventura Blvd. after leaving Book Star and I saw a couple crossing the street, each with a stroller. I told the husband the man looked familiar and he said it was Christopher Rich from the tv show "Reba." I have to say he looks better in person than he does on tv - not as wimpy and meek. Then again, it is called "Reba" not "Christopher."

Forgot to mention that we had a star sighting on Thursday, too. The accounting office went to lunch at the Smoke House ("World Famous Garlic Bread!") and guess who sat down next to us... Jo Anne Worley! We recognized her voice first and took turns looking over our shoulders to make sure it was really her. Hate to be rude, but some people are worth making sure it's really them and others you can get by with thinking you saw them.

I asked the husband today what he was getting me for my birthday and he responded with a very good question - he asked if I wanted goods or services. I like how that sounds. It leaves the field wide open. Right now, I think I want a new tattoo, one that the husband designs for me based on the ring I got for our anniversary. Don't know how long that'll take and I may change my mind before it happens, but right now that's my answer. I keep thinking I should go for a massage or spa treatment, but a tattoo lasts longer and may not hurt as much!

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