Monday, January 23, 2006

Final Week

Today is my last payroll for You, Me & Dupree. I'm done on Friday and then it's back to the unemployment lines again.

Had a nice ride back from Carlsbad yesterday. Got on the first car which ended up being full of children on some sort of party excursion and a man with a laptop who had his music playing out loud. I couldn't take it for long and found myself another seat.

In the new car, there was this annoying girl who was talking to her mother on her cell phone. Apparently, she hadn't talked to her mother before getting on the train - I got the impression mom and dad had plans and couldn't get to the station to pick her up. She was really loud about telling her mom that her friend would pick her up. It was so bad the woman sitting in front of her kept turning around asking her to keep her voice down. That woman left, but loud annoying girl stayed for a while, talking to multiple friends about mostly nothing. I did enjoy the story about her getting lost in downtown LA while trying to get to a costume fitting. Basically, she had $5, because she lost her debit card, and walked around downtown for 5 hours before ending up on skid row... it was way more fun the way she told it, because she had no idea how moronic she sounded. She eventually left and I had a pretty quiet ride with my shuffle and my cross stitch. I do enjoy taking the train and would have taken it to Comic-Con, but they don't take anything but service animals and we're probably going to try and take Sofie with us this year.

The husband and Sofie picked me up at the station. I could tell from watching Sofie walk to the platform that she didn't have a clue why she was there, so I whistled. Her little ears perked right up and she looked all around until she spotted me looking down. Then she went berserk! She jumped about 4 feet onto the retaining wall and ran up to the railing to greet me. There was an elderly couple ahead of me on the ramp down to the parking lot and they commented on how excited she was, then turned to look at me and smile. I got lots of puppy kisses.

The husband and I talked about me taking a location show. If the right show comes along at the right time in the right city, it may work out. But I'm not going to count any chickens yet.

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