Friday, October 07, 2005

Day 1 of 53

We started shooting today and I went to set to deliver paychecks. Location was on the other side of the island, on a ranch that' been used for Lost, Godzilla, Krippendorf's Tribe, you name it. It's beautiful, a lush green valley between very impressive mountains with a view down onto the ocean (if you overlook the cows...)

Anyway, the map was bad and we went about 20 miles out of our way and took way too long to get there. And contrary to popular belief, being on a movie set is BORING. I was done fairly quickly with my stuff and waited for K to finish handing out per diem. The last person left was Dillon and K was going to let me do it. Not that I was thrilled, since I don't find him particulary attractive, but I knew it would make Nancy jealous. It took forever. They kep reshooting the same scene over and over and I wasn't allowed to bother him until they were done. So we stood there for at least half an hour. When they finally broke, it turned out that he didn't want to take his money - he wanted it when he got back to the hotel. Figures. At least I was wearing shorts and got some sun.

Have to tell you about the blessing ceremony. Last night we had a kick-off party and traditional Hawaiian blessing. Some woman/priestess came and said a prayer. Then she had the cast, the directors, and the producers stick their right hands in a bowl of water and she said another prayer. Then she flipped water off of some huge leaves onto the crowd and blessed each of the main people individually. I was looking forward to it, but it turned out to be very excluding. We left early.

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