Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Random Thoughts

We're going to go see Batman Begins on Friday. I hope it's good. When these comic book movies are bad, it starts the husband on a tirade. Not to say he isn't right, but I've heard it before. There's no reason a comic book movie should suck - they've got decades of history to steal from. If the actor is bad, that's one thing. But with all those great stories and characters to pull from, the plot and dialogue should excel. And if the plots and stories are bad, then the comic hasn't been out that long or hasn't been published for a long time. Who makes movies out of one of those?

We're taking the dog to her doggie-daycare interview on Friday, too. It's weird that my dog is going to be interviewed before they'll let us board her at this place. It's like kindergarten interviews for babies. Yikes! But it's a nice place and she'll be there for several days while we're at Comic-Con in San Diego. At least her future isn't going to be ruined if she doesn't get accepted.

Speaking of Comic-Con, I'm trying to get someone to make a costume for me, but she hasn't written back. She made Debby's wedding dress and a lot of other costumes - she's got a theatre background. I'm really hoping she'll do it. It's the first costume I've thought of that doesn't require me to have a size 0 body and ginormous boobs.

I still haven't been replaced at work, but that's not my problem. I really hope they don't screw around and then have to ask me to stay. I'm going to hate to say no. But I'll try to be strong.

If anyone would like to comment, I'd appreciate it. I know there are a few people who read this. Feel free to speak your mind.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I've been reading your blog for two or three months now. I stumbled across it one day, and have been coming back ever since.

To be honest, as a small town girl from's kind of fun to read about things that go on in your world!

Take care...and good luck on the doggie-interview!