Sunday, June 12, 2005

Last Thoughts

I told my mom to have my sister show her my blog. It'll be interesting to see if I censor myself if I think she's reading it. Probably not. I mean, she probably won't look at it more than the one time. Mom's not a big web-surfer.

I've been following Girlfiend's blog for a while and I still can't believe what happened to her. I've enjoyed her stories and I thought she sounded like a pretty good teacher. We all know that most people, no matter how prim and proper they try to appear, have done some weird, wrong, or just plain illegal stuff in their pasts. Most of the time it's not a big deal. Youthful indiscretions, ya know what I mean? That usually just adds to the charm.

I know that one of my favorite teachers was the sub we had in 7th grade who told us about voting in some South/Central American country. He explained they had to stick their finger into a dye when they voted so no one could vote twice. He also told us that he had gotten into trouble with the authorities (don't remember why), but that he had taken refuge in a "house of ill repute." I think that's when I learned what the red light was for. Anyway, some uppity girl got offended and told on him and he was escorted out of the building. But I still remember him and his stories, 20 some years later.

So I hope the guy in Philly gets his shoelace stuck in an escalator somewhere public and it pulls his shoe off and grinds to a halt and makes people stumble and starts burning and smoking and reeking of burnt nylon, which should make the sprinklers go off and call in the fire department and maybe even the counter-terrorism unit (because of the smell of burning nylon and shoe parts - that's gotta be as bad as burning hair - ugh). And I hope in the end he's found standing there with one shoe on, dripping wet, looking like the idiot he is.

So there.

Good night, Mom.

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