Friday, December 01, 2006

Doin' Time at Paramount

Where to begin?

I spent the last 2 days working on CWW down at Paramount. The accounting crew was very nice and appreciative. I was happy to be able to help them, even though at times I felt they were to blame for getting behind in the first place - a lot of the stuff they did seemed like double work. I checked edits on Wednesday, but in the end I was a highly-paid clerk; a lot of copying, folding, stuffing, sealing, and filing. The only real point to having me down there instead of a clerk was that I didn't need to be trained. I could just step in and know what needed to be done. I only wish I could have finished everything but when you run out of basic filing supplies, there's nothing to be done. At least I fixed their label program.

What frustrated me most was the fact the woman I came in to help left at 3pm on Wednesday because she wasn't feeling well (and because I was there) and then on Thursday she left before I did again. Not sure what's up with that - if I was to get so far behind as to need help, I'd make damn sure I was the first in and the last out. Different priorities, I guess.

Gossip that I learned:
- Julia changed her name and is going by her husband's last name now
- Tom has his hair straightened
- They're going to be doing Angels & Demons next.

Gossip about RH3 (the payroll acct's husband is a driver on that one):
- J Chan broke his collarbone doing a stunt
- Chris got "saved" and now won't say any of the cuss words in the script. When they come up, he gets huffy and stomps off to his trailer.
- J showed up to work after breaking his collarbone, but Chris was sick and they shut down for the day. Wonder how sick you have to be when the guy with the broken bone arrives on time?

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