Friday, December 15, 2006

Holiday Checks

Today was supposed to be my last day of work, but the holiday payout checks weren't ready until this morning and I wasn't able to get everything done.

Holiday payout is a union thing; union members accrue 3.719% of their regular salary every week (paid for by the production). The money sits in an account and is used only if a crew member works on a holiday. If the crew member never works on a holiday, then that accrued money is paid out to them at the end of the show. There are some exceptions, but that's what happens for the majority of the crew.

It's usually a large project, but on something as big as EA, it's ginormous. I printed out 895 checks this morning. It took me awhile to get them all printed, copied, and then filed away. I had to file them because they were coming to collect our files to take them up to the studio - we knew we couldn't send them that much filing right off the bat! After all that was done, I had to fix the coding on the report so it all went into the right budget account. Then I was able to start folding and stuffing them into envelopes. T helped me with that part... Now we have 5 boxes of checks waiting to be sealed and stamped and put in the post. Thank dog I had the PA's get me 900 stamps!

And even though 895 seems like a lot of people, it's only the LA union crew. It doesn't count all the people from VA, the non-union crew, or the people who didn't get a check for one reason or another. That's a lot of payroll.

Maybe if I hadn't taken an hour and a half to look at townhouses... nah, it was too big for one day. I have to go back on Monday and finish up, then pack up all my crap. We leave for TN on Tuesday morning.

One last thing... I told T I wasn't going to AZ. That's finally settled.

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