Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The 1st asst acct on this show came into work late this morning - not a big deal as we've all been coming in late. But she said she'd been stuck at home because a fire truck had blocked her driveway. Apparently there's an old woman next door who routinely calls the paramedics and the paramedics have to call out an engine. Ok, fine.

Here's the kicker - when she tried to drive out, she discovered the engine blocking the drive and decided the best course of action was to "toot toot" her horn to see if she could get someone's attention so they could pull up and let her out. Ummm... is it just me or does honking at a fire truck seem like a really bad idea? A paramedic yelled at her that they had an emergency going on and she replied that it was ok and that she'd wait. So why honk? Why not just go back inside and watch some HGTV or something? As it turned out, she's convinced they took longer than necessary to leave just to make her wait. Duh.

I told her I couldn't believe she honked and she got really snippy with me. She felt I was slapping her hand. I tried to tell her my point was that honking was only going to piss them off. If she'd walked over there and asked nicely, they may have helped her out. But she took it as an insult. I told her they took it as an insult and that's why she waited.

So who do you think is "right?" Would you honk?

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