Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Job Hunt #2

The accountant I worked for in Santa Fe on Used Guys has written to offer me a show called Untraceable. It's Diane Lane and it's shooting in Portland, OR.

Now I would dearly love to go to Portland on someone else's dime and I'd like to work with S again, but the payroll company the show is using is supposed to be horrendous. Random checks spitting out of the printer, no techs on call, late payroll, etc. I took the opportunity to send a mass email to some payroll accts and others I know to ask if they had an opinion and so far it's all been negative. No horror stories, just comments like "never again."

I just don't think it's going to be worth it. My job is hard enough without having to struggle with the payroll company. I mean, the one I had in SF had some problems and it was frustrating to get it all sorted out, and we hadn't even started shooting yet.

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