Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

I don't remember the last time I had a full 4 days off at Thanksgiving. I don't mean like 2 years ago, when I took off to go home for my parent's 50th anniversary... I mean just plain not having to work for 4 days straight. It's very nice but I think I'm going to end up paying for it. Work is going to be tough this week!

I would say that at least we're in wrap, but it's been like wrap since August. It may be busier now than it was, since we have to get everything put in order to hand over to the studio. We have 3 weeks, so it should be fine.

I did get homesick this weekend. I grew up in such a large family and it's not normal to spend a holiday with just one other person. I don't know if I'll ever get used to it. I guess people who come from dysfunctional families look forward to creating new holiday traditions but I just want to go back to the ones from my childhood.

At least we're going home for Christmas. That'll be nice. It's the first time in a long time that I'll have the week between Christmas and New Year's off, too. Driving cross-country with the Sofie - this should be fun. Maybe it'll be better than the drives to and from Santa Fe since she'll have both her folks in the car.

I suppose I should mention my Thanksgiving dinner. I made a turkey roast - which tasted good but looked really odd (imagine the white and dark meak of a turkey kind of mashed into a roast shape). I also made mashed potatoes from scratch and left the skins on. Tasty and no lumps! For dessert, I made a pumpkin cheesecake that didn't work out. I tried to substitute some ingredients on a WW recipe and the excessive use of Splenda gave it a nasty chemical aftertaste. We ended up throwing it out and making pumpkin pudding. Of course, that was the 2nd attempt with the pudding - the 1st try also had too much Splenda.

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