Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Bits and Pieces

I got up and went to work early today, trying to get my paychecks out before the holiday. The short week always makes it tougher but I got the added "bonus" of getting a new paymaster. My regular woman moved to Utah and my show got transferred to someone else. Have to say the work wasn't as good as before, but there's nothing major. I'm just glad I decided to come in and get it checked early.

The studio is shutting down at 2pm and the UPM wants everyone to leave as soon as they can, even shutting the production office at 2 as well. I don't think we'll be going until closer to 3pm, but I have to stay until I get the checks out. T has an interview at 3 and I don't know if she's coming back to the office or not. I hope she does because I want to hear all about it.

Coming in early did give me a chance to call the bank in TN about the stocks the husband inherited from his mom. We're going to get everything taken care of when we go home at Christmas and it turns out it'll be easier than we thought. Plus the bank is buying shares back so we'll probably sell and come home with a nice chuck of change.

One last story - we have our condo on the market and we put in the listing we had to have an hour's notice to see the place. I get a call last night (6:30pm) from Tony at Prudential who's standing outside our building and just realized he was supposed to call first. He asked if he could go in and I had to say no, would he like to reschedule? Well, he starts telling me his client is going out of town and was hoping to make on offer on something tonight, etc. Wow. I suppose the thought of his client wanting to make an offer TONIGHT is supposed to make me change my mind. What a loser. Am I really supposed to fall for that? Does anyone fall for that? Some of these agents are morons.

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