Friday, May 12, 2006

Just Me and the Kitties

Well, the husband and the dog pulled out about 5:40 this morning. I hated to see them go but I know neither of them really like it here. Heck, I don't really like it here...

So I crawled back into bed because I figured I could go to the gym after work. I set the alarm for 7:30 and fell asleep. I heard it go off and hit the snooze. I'm certain I only hit the snooze once. I know I laid in bed for a bit listening to the music, but when I decided I'd better get up, it was 8:21! I hadn't realized how tired I was.

When I did get up, I kept calling to Quincy that it was safe to come out from under the bed. He finally appeared from the living room, so I guess he'd figured that out for himself. Poor thing spent nearly 2 weeks under the bed or in a cabinet.

I heard from the husband not long ago. He's been home for a bit, running some errands. I'm glad he made it safely. Now it's just me and the cats again. I'm going to turn into the crazy cat lady. Nobody asks me to go out or anything, unless it's a big group outing. Maybe I'm just not as appealing as I'd like to be. Can that be changed? Or am I stamped "As Is?" I am going to see Poseiden tomorrow with K, but I'm not sure if she asked me for any other reason than she didn't want to go alone and I was the only one who said yes. Maybe it matters, maybe it doesn't.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I adore you just "as is" and others will too. I think the trick might be is that you've got to like what you see and that others will, too.

And don't doubt your cow-irker's motives. I bet she just wanted your company. :-) Maybe you could ask some of them to do something, too?


Ma says "Hi". She asks about you whenever I talk to her.

film-chick said...

thanks Sped - and did you really mean to call her a cow-irker? Cause that's damn funny!