Monday, May 22, 2006

Arm Wrestling Champ

The Set Decorating dept picked up some very nice wicker furniture and when we got shut down, I called dibs on the bench. I'd had it in my office for a few weeks and I really liked it. There were 3 chairs as well, but I wasn't as interested in them.

Anyway, the Art Dep Coord came to my office and announced she was ready to arm wrestle me for one of the chairs. We set up for it, but didn't actually wrestle. I noticed she was stronger than she looked, but didn't think much more of it since I didn't care if she took a chair or not.

Later that night at the wake, she walked over to me and started rolling up her sleeve. Not one to let a challenge go unanswered, I rolled up my sleeve and put my elbow on the table. Krista set us up and called it. The ADC started pushing and my thought process was 'how long should I let this go on before I just finish it?' at which point I pushed her hand to the table - yes, in one easy motion.

There truly is a well-muscled body under my insulating layer of fat.

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