Thursday, May 11, 2006

Add Another Week

There's a substantiated rumor going around that we're going to push another week. The location manager told me last night and he'd know as much as anyone else - he'd have to deal with staying a week later and juggling the schedule. We're just over 5 weeks out and not enough has been started. The Art Dept was asked to cut the budget and came back asking for even more. So it looks like another week. The location manager seems to think it may be more like a week and a half since we'd be running into the 4th of July holiday after only 1 week of shooting... We'll see.

The finale of Veronica Mars was 99% brilliant. Everything got neatly tied up and it wasn't unbelievable - although considering how much got tied up, it did have a touch of Huckleberry Finn to it (you know, you read the entire book and it's all resolved on the last page with the news that Huck's dad is dead... whatever). The 1% I'm not happy about concerns the new plot twists that were brought up in the last few minutes - ARGH!!! Hey folks, there's a good chance we're never gonna see these characters again, don't leave us hanging. And where was Cliff? I was bummed about him not making it into the finale.

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