Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Slick Roads

It's raining here in LA, which means the "storm watch" is on. It's sad the way a little rain is such a big story, but with run-off and erosion problems from the fires, slides can happen pretty quickly.

Anyway, I saw an accident on the way to work this morning. A small teal Ford something slid into the back of a Range Rover at a red light. There was a loud squeal followed by the equally loud thunking of metal into metal. I don't think the RR guy would have known he'd been hit at all if it wasn't for the noise...

The little teal car was kind of bad - the hood was crinkled up and the left wheel well was bent. The driver couldn't even get the door open at first. But nobody seemed to be hurt and I hope it all gets worked out ok.

They're having a little casting session this morning and the office is full of hopefuls - men in suits and women in short skirts and high boots/heels. They're set up in the kitchen right across the hall from me and it's kind of fun to watch. I could never be an actor - I have enough problems with body image without losing jobs because of how I look.

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