Thursday, February 16, 2006

Job Interview

I got an email from the woman I did the Flightplan reshoots with - she had given my name to a friend of hers. So now I have an interview tomorrow morning for Used Guys, a futuristic comedy that's supposed to star Ben Stiller and Jim Carrey. Sounds pretty good, except for the fact it starts shooting in Sante Fe, NM for the first 35 days (it's a 90 day shoot, which would be my longest). I've talked to the husband about it and he seems okay with it, but I'm worried he's not really and just doesn't want to rain on my parade. I know I turned down the Disney film in Sante Fe, but this one has a much better cast. That's really the whole point of it - if I'm going to go on location, it has to be for something worthwhile. Of course, this could all be for nothing. I haven't been offered the job.

In other news, I've started looking for a new trainer and the first one I contacted is a schmoron. Man, she just can't buy a clue. I made it really clear that I have to work out from 6-7 in the morning and she told me she just got a client for that time, then asked when I wanted to meet. I wrote back that I had to have that timeslot because of work, so she needed to make sure she'd be able to fit me in, then I suggested Monday night to meet. She wrote to ask what day I want to train, and I wrote that she needed to tell me her new client's schedule so I could try and work in. Turns out only Saturday is available. Then she asked me what day for the consult. I once again said Monday and she said that wouldn't work for her (she'd known since my 2nd email that I wanted to meet Monday and acted like it was a surprise). By now, I'm pretty much over her and told her my schedule was jammed up and I'd have to get back to her. She then wrote to tell me she had a training session on Wednesday at 8:30am and she'd come early for me - at 8am. I wrote one last email where I said that I had told her I had to leave by 7 to get to work on time, so 8 wasn't going to cut it. I know I'm not relating it very well - I should have saved the emails. But come on, how clueless was this woman? I spelled it all out for her several times and only one thing at a time seemed to sink in, then the second bit pushed out the first one. It was so frustrating. And I still don't have a trainer.

But I have been going to the gym!

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