Monday, February 27, 2006

Darby One-Fang One-Eye

Darby's had a weeping/winky eye all weekend and the husband took her to see Dr Liz today. I asked him to call me if it was something serious because I worry about my kitties. He told me it was going to be nothing and I shouldn't expect to hear from him.

So when he phone rings and it's him, I'm convinced it's bad news.

"We have to get her an eye patch because she's losing vision in that eye" he says.

I start to wig out.

"It's just a scatch, she's got some drops, $75 please" he says.

I'm confused.

Turns out it's nothing but a scratch, just like we thought and he figured he'd make me panic.

Ha ha

It wouldn't be so bad except the last time something like this happened, I really did break her fang off.

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